IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Install IBM Tivoli Monitoring on one computer

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Installation procedure

Complete the steps in this section to install IBM Tivoli monitoring on one Windows computer.

  1. Launch the installation wizard by double-clicking the setup.exe file in the WINDOWS subdirectory of the installation media.

  2. Click Next on the Welcome window.

  3. Click Accept to accept the license agreement.

  4. Choose the directory where you want to install the product. The default directory is C:\IBM\ITM. Click Next.

    If you specify an incorrect directory name, you will receive the following error:

    The IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory cannot exceed 80 characters
    or contain non-ASCII, special or double-byte characters.
    The directory name can contain only these characters:
    "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ _\:0123456789()~-./".

  5. Click Next to accept the default encryption key and then click OK on the popup window to confirm the encryption key.

  6. On the Select Features window, select the check boxes for the components you want to install. Select all components for a complete installation on one computer.

    For additional information about these components, press the Help button.

    The agent support comprises additional support files for the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, and the Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop client; these are automatically installed whenever you install the agent support. Also, the Eclipse Help Server is automatically installed whenever you install a Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

  7. Click Next.

    The Agent Deployment window is displayed. This window lists monitoring agents that you can deploy to remote computers. For this installation, do not select any agents for remote deployment.

  8. Click Next.

  9. If the TEPS Desktop and Browser Signon ID and Password window is displayed, enter and confirm the password to be used for logging on to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. The default logon user ID, sysadmin, cannot be changed on this window. This password is required only when Security: Validate User has been enabled on the hub monitoring server. This window is not displayed if the sysadmin user ID has already been defined in the operating system.

  10. Review the installation summary details. The summary identifies the components you are installing. Click Next to begin the installation. The status bar indicates the progress of your installation.

    After the components are installed, a configuration window is displayed.

  11. Click Next to start configuring all selected components. (Leave all check boxes selected for this installation.)

  12. Configure communications for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server:

    1. Click Next to confirm that you are installing the portal server on this computer. (The host name of this computer is displayed by default.)

    2. If no relational database manager can be found in this computer, the embedded Derby RDBMS is used by default. However, if at least one RDBMS product is installed on this computer, a window is displayed for you to choose the RDBMS product you want to use. Choose either Embedded TEPS database (that is, Derby), IBM DB2 Universal Database™ Server, or Microsoft SQL Server, and click Next.

    3. A window is displayed for you to configure the connection between the portal server and the portal server database (TEPS database).

      The installation program uses the information on this window to automatically perform the following tasks:

      • Create the portal server database.

      • Create a database user for the portal server to use to access the database.

      • Configure the ODBC connection between the portal server and the database.

      Figure 1. Configuration window for the portal server database using DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
      Figure 1 shows the configuration window for a portal server database using DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. The configuration window for a Derby or Microsoft SQL Server database is similar. The fields on the configuration window are described in the following table:

      Configuration information for the portal server database

      Field DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows default MS SQL default Description
      Admin User ID db2admin sa The database administrator ID.
      Admin Password (no default) (no default) Password for the database administrator ID.
      Database User ID TEPS TEPS The login name of the database user that the portal server will use to access the database.
      Database Password (no default) (no default) Password for the database login user. If your environment requires complex passwords (passwords that require both alpha and numeric characters), specify a password that complies with these requirements.
      Reenter password (no default) (no default) Confirm the password by entering it again.
      Select database instance name (no default) (no default) Pull down the drop-down list, and select the appropriate database instance.

    4. Optionally change the default values for the administrator ID and database user ID. Enter passwords for the administrator and database user. Click OK.

    5. Click OK on the message that tells you that the portal server configuration was successful.

    6. Click Next to accept the default Tivoli Data Warehouse user ID and password. (You can change these values in a later step.)

    7. In the TEP Server Configuration window, click OK to accept the default communications protocol, IP.PIPE. IP.PIPE is the protocol that the portal server will use to communicate with the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.

      A second TEP Server Configuration window is displayed. The IP.PIPE area of this window displays the host name of this computer and the default port number, 1918.

    8. Do not select Validate user with LDAP since user authentication is not enabled during a single computer installation. It can be configured at a later time.

    9. Select the Enable the dashboard data provider check box if Dashboard Application Services Hub will be used with monitoring dashboard applications such as IBM Infrastructure Management Dashboards for Servers or will be used to create custom dashboard pages for monitoring agents. See the Preparing your dashboard environment topic in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide for details on additional configuration tasks to perform after installation.

    10. Do not specify a value for the domain override or enable authorization policies. Authorization policies are not enabled during a single computer installation. They can be configured at a later time.

    11. Click OK to accept the default host name and port number.

    12. Click Yes on the message asking if you want to reconfigure the warehouse connection information for the portal server.

    13. Select DB2 or SQL Server from the list of RDBMS platforms and click OK.

      A window is displayed for you to configure the connection between the portal server and the Tivoli Data Warehouse database. (The Tivoli Data Warehouse database is referred to in the title of this window as the data source for the Warehouse Proxy. The Warehouse Proxy Agent sends information collected from monitoring agents to the Tivoli Data Warehouse.)

      The installation program uses the information on this window to automatically perform the following tasks:

      • Create the Tivoli Data Warehouse database.

      • Create a database user (called the warehouse user) for the portal server, Warehouse Proxy Agent, and Summarization and Pruning Agent to use to access the warehouse database.

      • Configure the ODBC connection between the portal server and the warehouse database.

      Figure 2. Configuration window for the Tivoli Data Warehouse database using DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

      Figure 3. Configuration window for the Tivoli Data Warehouse database using Microsoft SQL Server

      The fields on this window are described in the following table:

      Configuration information for the Tivoli Data Warehouse database

      Field DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows default MS SQL default Description
      Data Source Name ITM Warehouse ITM Warehouse Name of the data source. 1 2
      Database Name WAREHOUS WAREHOUS Name of the database.
      Admin User ID db2admin sa The database administrator ID.
      Admin Password (no default) (no default) Password for the database administrator ID.
      Database User ID ITMUser ITMUser The login name of the database user that the portal server, Warehouse Proxy Agent, and Summarization and Pruning Agent will use to access the Tivoli Data Warehouse database.
      Database Password itmpswd1 itmpswd1 Password for the database login user. If your environment requires complex passwords (passwords that require both alpha and numeric characters), specify a password that complies with these requirements.
      Reenter password itmpswd1 itmpswd1 Confirm the password by entering it again.

      1. Warehouse Proxy Agent does not create this DSN - it must already exist. If you are installing Performance Analyzer on the same machine where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed, you can use the existing data source created by Tivoli Monitoring. Otherwise, you must create a new System DSN manually, prior to re-configuring Performance Analyzer.

      2. On 64-bit versions of Windows, data sources created by the default ODBC Data Source Administrator applet available from the Control Panel are not available if you are installing the 32-bit version of the portal server. In this scenario, use the 32-bit version of the ODBC Data Source Administrator applet from <WINDOWS>\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe. If you are installing the 64-bit version of the portal server then you can use data source created by the ODBC Data Source Administrator applet.

    14. Optionally change the default values on this window. Enter the password of the database administrator. Click OK.

    15. Click OK on the message that tells you that the portal server configuration was successful.

  13. If your monitoring server is not local, you must configure communications for the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server:

    1. Remove the check mark from Security: Validate User. User authentication is not enabled during a single computer installation. It can be configured at a later time.

    2. Enable TEMS Security Compatibility Mode performs the following functions:

      1. It allows for backwards compatibility with previous versions of IBM Tivoli Monitoring components shipped before V6.3 when securing command execution (Situation Take Action, Execute Command, Take Action, Workflow Policy Take Action). Accept the default if you have a previous version of a portal server, hub monitoring server, or OMEGAMON product connecting to this Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server or if the system clocks are not synchronized across the systems with monitoring servers, the portal server, and monitoring agents.

      2. It permits commands to still execute even if cryptographic facilities are not available. This gives you time to ensure that, for example, your z/OS Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server has the Integrated Cryptographic Services Facility (ICSF) available.

      If you disable this option and you have a mixture of pre-V6.3 and V6.3 server components, if clocks are not synchronized, or if you don't have cryptographic services available, then command executions might fail.

    3. Click OK to accept the other defaults on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server Configuration window:

      • The type of server you are configuring is Hub.

      • The default name of the hub monitoring server is HUB_host_name, for example, HUB_ITMSERV16.

      • The default communications protocol is IP.PIPE. IP.PIPE is the protocol that the monitoring server will use to communicate with the portal server.

        If your site uses the IP.PIPE, IP6.PIPE, or IP.SPIPE, IP6.SPIPE protocols for communications, be aware of the port usage rules for Tivoli Monitoring components. See Control port number assignments for more information.

      • Do not enable user authentication until you have completed all installation and configuration and verified that the product is working. To enable user authentication, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide.

      The Hub TEMS Configuration window is displayed. The IP.PIPE area of this window displays the host name of this computer and the default port number, 1918.

    4. Click OK to accept the default host name and port number.

  14. You are asked if you want to configure the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server. If you select Yes the Configure Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server window is displayed. Here you complete your Registry Services configuration details and Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server connection details. When you select Configure Registry Services connection, specify the correct Protocol, Hostname, and Port number for the WebSphere server where Registry Services is installed.

    The User ID and Password fields must be completed with the User ID and Password values for your Registry Services provider registry. The following criteria apply to the User ID and Password fields:

    • Providing both a user ID and a password is accepted.

    • Leaving both the user ID and a password fields blank is accepted.

    • Providing one parameter without the other is not accepted.

    In the Automation Server connection information section, provide the HTTP protocol and port for clients to connect to the automation server.

    Because Hot Standby is not enabled for this scenario, you can leave the Acting Hub Alias field blank.

  15. If your monitoring server is not local, you must configure the default communication between any IBM Tivoli Monitoring component and the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server:

    1. On the configuration window, click OK to accept the default communications protocol, IP.PIPE

      A second configuration window is displayed. The IP.PIPE area of this window displays the host name of this computer and the default port number, 1918.

    2. Click OK to accept the default host name and port number.

  16. The Configure Tivoli Performance Analyzer window is displayed. Configure the agent for Data Warehouse. Some predefined values will appear depending on whether you choose ODBC or JDBC from the Agent Database Connection Type dropdown list.

    Figure 4. Configure Tivoli Performance Analyzer window - ODBC

    If you choose ODBC from the Agent Database Connection Type dropdown list, specify the following:

    1. Set your Database Type to DB2, MSSQL or ORACLE

    2. Specify the Data Source Name - Agent ODBC DSN (ITM Warehouse by default)

      • Tivoli Performance Analyzer does not create this DSN - it must already exist. If you are installing Performance Analyzer on the same machine where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed, you can use the existing data source created by Tivoli Monitoring. Otherwise, you must create a new System DSN manually, prior to re-configuring Performance Analyzer.

      • On 64-bit versions of Windows, data sources created by the default ODBC Data Source Administrator applet available from the Control Panel are not available for 32-bit applications. Therefore use the 32-bit version of the ODBC Data Source Administrator applet from <WINDOWS>\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.

    3. Type the Username and Password. The entries in these fields are used to connect to the Tivoli Data Warehouse and are the same credentials as those used by the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, the Warehouse Proxy Agent and the Summarization and Pruning Agent to communicate with Tivoli Data Warehouse.

    Figure 5. Configure Tivoli Performance Analyzer window - JDBC

    If you choose JDBC from the Agent Database Connection Type dropdown list, you need to specify the following:

    1. Set your Database Type to DB2, MSSQL or ORACLE.

    2. Provide the Hostname. The Hostname is the host where the Tivoli Data Warehouse is installed.

    3. Provide the Port number.

    4. Provide the Database Name.

    5. Type the Username and Password.

    6. Specify the JDBC Driver. The default driver name for DB2 is

    7. Specify the JDBC Driver Path, which should be provided as a list of JAR files with the full path separated by ";".

      You can use the Browse button in order to specify the path. If you use the Browse button a file list is added at the end of the JDBC Driver Path text field separated from the existing content by a path separator. The data is used to initialize the database, so it must be provided no matter what Agent Database Connection Type was selected. The driver path should be provided as a list of JAR files with the full path separated by ";".

  17. Regardless of whether you choose ODBC or JDBC as your Agent Database Connection Type you can use the Test connection button to check whether the connection can be initiated. Pressing OK button launches more tests. Finishing the installation with incorrect connection settings is impossible unless you use the Bypass connection tests option in the Advanced configuration window.

  18. Click Next to proceed to the Advanced Configuration window.

    Figure 6. Configure Tivoli Performance Analyzer window - Advanced configuration

    Do not change any of the values displayed in this window unless you are an advanced user. Unless you select Enable advanced configuration, all options are greyed out.

    • You can enable Advanced Configuration in order to specify TDW Schema and Configuration Schema.

    • You can also choose to have the agent to Initialize PA tables.

      Setting Initialize PA tables to YES removes and recreates all previously created tables deleting all user tasks and reverting each OS task to its default. If you are upgrading from a previous installation of Tivoli Monitoring, set Initialize PA tables to NO.

    • Use the Bypass connection tests option to finish the installation without running connection tests.

  19. You can configure Performance Analyzer to use the IBM SPSS Statistics Server to support non-linear trending and forecasting of capacity and performance metrics. To enable SPSS, select Enable SPSS configuration.

    The IBM SPSS Statistics Server is a prerequisite for using the non-linear trending feature in Performance Analyzer. SPSS Statistics Server documentation is available at, or from the Passport Advantage website with part number CI211EN,

  20. Browse to the location of your SPSS Statistics Server. Click Validate to confirm the path you entered is correct.

  21. Click OK.

  22. Click OK. The system configures and starts the agent.

  23. Click Yes on the message asking if you want to configure the Summarization and Pruning Agent.

    A multi-tabbed configuration window is displayed with the Sources tab at the front.
    Figure 7 shows the configuration window for a Summarization and Pruning Agent on Windows (values displayed are for a DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows warehouse database). The configuration window for a Summarization and Pruning Agent on Linux or UNIX is similar.

    Figure 7. Sources pane of Configure Summarization and Pruning Agent window

  24. Add the names and directory locations of the JDBC driver JAR files to the JDBC Drivers list box:

    1. Click Add to display the file browser window. Navigate to the location of the driver files on this computer and select the Type 4 driver files for your database platform. See for the names and default locations of the driver files to add.

    2. Click OK to close the browser window and add the JDBC driver files to the list.

    If you need to delete an entry from the list, select the entry and click Remove.

  25. The default values for the database platform you selected in the Database Type pane are displayed in the other text fields on the Sources pane. Change the default value displayed in the JDBC URL field if it is not correct. The following table lists the default Tivoli Data Warehouse URLs for the different database platforms:

    Tivoli Data Warehouse URLs

    Database platform Warehouse URL
    IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows jdbc:db2://localhost:60000/WAREHOUS
    Oracle jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:WAREHOUS
    Microsoft SQL Server jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=WAREHOUS

    • If the Tivoli Data Warehouse is installed on a remote computer, specify the host name of the remote computer instead of localhost.

    • Change the port number if it is different.

    • If the name of the Tivoli Data Warehouse database is not WAREHOUS, replace WAREHOUS with the actual name.

  26. Verify the JDBC driver name.

    The following table lists the JDBC Type 4 driver names for each database platform:

    JDBC driver names

    Database platform JDBC driver name
    IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
    Oracle oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    Microsoft SQL Server

  27. If necessary, change the entries in the Warehouse user and Warehouse password fields to match the user name and password that were created for the Tivoli Data Warehouse. The default user name is itmuser and the default password is itmpswd1.

  28. In the TEPS Server Host and TEPS Server Port fields, enter the host name of the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed and the port number that it uses to communicate with the Summarization and Pruning Agent.

    The default Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server interface port of 15001 is also used after the Summarization and Pruning Agent's initial connection to the portal server over port 1920. Any firewalls between the two need to allow communications on either 15001 or whichever port is defined for any new Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server interface used per the instructions in Define a Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server interface on Windows.

  29. Click Test connection to ensure you can communicate with the Tivoli Data Warehouse database.

  30. Select the Reporting check box to configure the Summarization and Pruning agent to create and maintain the dimension tables required by Tivoli Common Reporting and IBM Tivoli Monitoring. Enter values for the following fields and then click OK:

    Reporting integration settings

    Field Description
    Enable reporting integration Indicates whether reporting integration is enabled. If enabled, the time dimension tables are created if they do not already exist. Time dimension tables will also be maintained when this variable is enabled. The default value is No.

    If this variable is set to Yes, and the resource dimension tables do not exist, but the KSY_TRAM_USER and KSY_TRAM_PASSWORD are not set, then a warning message in the trace file and in the Summarization and Pruning agent workspace is returned indicating that the resource dimension tables were not created.

    Reporting user The reporting user that creates the time dimension tables. If the database is not DB2 LUW or DB2 z/OS, the reporting user is set by default to IBM_TRAM. However, as IBM_TRAM does not follow the user naming rules for DB2 LUW (name should not start with IBM) or DB2 z/OS (name should not contain an underscore) a different user name must be used. The user should have the necessary privileges to create an IBM_TRAM schema. The KSY_TRAM_USER value only needs to be specified if KSY_TRAM_ENABLE is set to Yes and the time dimension tables and stored procedure do not already exist.
    Reporting password Password for the reporting user. The KSY_TRAM_PASSWORD value only needs to be specified if KSY_TRAM_ENABLE is set to Yes and the time dimension tables and stored procedure do not already exist.
    Confirm reporting password Confirm the password for the reporting user.
    Time Dimension Granularity (Minutes) The granularity (in minutes) of the data inserted into the time dimension table. The minimum value is 1. The default value is 5. If the value specified is below the minimum value, the value is reset by the Summarization and Pruning agent at start up to the minimum value.
    Time Dimension Initial Amount (Months) The amount of data in months to be loaded into the time dimension table when it is empty or first created. The minimum value is 1. The default value is 24 months. If the value specified is below the minimum value, the value is reset by the Summarization and Pruning agent at start up to the minimum value.

  31. Select the Scheduling check box to specify when you want summarization and pruning to take place. You can schedule it to run on a fixed schedule or on a flexible schedule:

    If you select Fixed, the Summarization and Pruning Agent does not immediately perform any summarization or pruning when it starts. It performs summarization and pruning when it runs. It runs according to the schedule you specify on the Scheduling pane. If you select Flexible, the Summarization and Pruning Agent runs once immediately after it is started and then at the interval you specified except during any blackout times.

  32. Specify shift and vacation settings in the Work Days pane:

    When you enable and configure shifts, IBM Tivoli Monitoring produces three separate summarization reports:

    • Summarization for peak shift hours

    • Summarization for off-peak shift hours

    • Summarization for all hours (peak and off-peak)

    Similarly, when you enable and configure vacations, IBM Tivoli Monitoring produces three separate summarization reports:

    • Summarization for vacation days

    • Summarization for nonvacation days

    • Summarization for all days (vacation and nonvacation)

    To enable shifts, vacations, or both:

    • Select when the beginning of the week starts.

    • To configure shifts:

      1. Select Yes in the Specify shifts drop-down list.

      2. Optionally change the default settings for peak and off peak hours by selecting hours in the Select Peak Hours box.

        Changing the shift information after data has been summarized creates an inconsistency in the data. Data that was previously collected is not summarized again to account for the new shift values.

    • To configure vacation settings:

      1. Select Yes in the Specify vacation days drop-down list to enable vacation days.

      2. Select Yes in the drop-down list if you want to specify weekends as vacation days.

      3. Select Add to add vacation days.

      4. Select the vacation days you want to add from the calendar.

        The days you select are displayed in the list box.

        To delete any days you have previously chosen, select them and click Delete.

        1. Add vacation days in the future. Adding vacation days in the past creates an inconsistency in the data. Data that was previously collected is not summarized again to account for vacation days.

        2. Enable shifts or vacation periods can significantly increase the size of the warehouse database. It will also negatively affect the performance of the Summarization and Pruning Agent.

  33. Select the Log Settings check box to set the intervals for log pruning:

    • Select Prune WAREHOUSELOG, select the number of units for which data should be kept, and the unit of time (day, month or year).

    • Select Prune WAREHOUSEAGGREGLOG, select the number of units for which data should be kept, and the unit of time (day, month or year).

  34. Specify additional summarization and pruning settings in the Additional Settings pane:

    1. Specify the number of additional threads you want to use for handling summarization and pruning processing. The number of threads should be 2 * N, where N is the number of processors running the Summarization and Pruning Agent. A higher number of threads can be used, depending on your database configuration and hardware.

    2. Specify the maximum rows that can be deleted in a single pruning transaction. Any positive integer is valid. The default value is 1000. There is no value that indicates you want all rows deleted.

      If you increase the number of threads, you might consider increasing this value if your transaction log allows for it. The effective number of rows deleted per transaction is based on this value divided by the number of worker threads.

    3. Indicate a time zone for historical data from the Use timezone offset from drop down list.

      This field indicates which time zone to use when a user specifies a time period in a query for monitoring data.

      • Select Agent to use the time zone (or time zones) where the monitoring agents are located.

      • Select Warehouse to use the time zone where the Summarization and Pruning Agent is located. If the Tivoli Data Warehouse and the Summarization and Pruning Agent are in different time zones, the Warehouse choice indicates the time zone of the Summarization and Pruning Agent, not the warehouse.

      Skip this field if the Summarization and Pruning Agent and the monitoring agents that collect data are all in the same time zone.

    4. Specify the age of the data you want summarized in the Aggregate hourly data older than and Aggregate daily data older than fields. The default value is 1 for hourly data and 0 for daily data.

    5. The Maximum number of node errors to display refers to the node error table in the Summarization and Pruning workspace. It determines the maximum number of rows that workspace is to save and display.

    6. The Maximum number of summarization and pruning runs to display refers to the Summarization and Pruning Run table in the Summarization and Pruning workspace. It determines the maximum number of rows that workspace is to save and display.

      Maximum number of Summarization and Pruning runs to display and Maximum number of node errors to display together determine the number of rows shown in the Summarization and Pruning overall run table and Errors table respectively. There is a minimum value of 10 for each. These equate to keywords KSY_SUMMARIZATION_UNITS and KSY_NODE_ERROR_UNITS in file KSYENV/sy.ini.

    7. The Database Connectivity Cache Time determines how long after a positive check for connectivity that the result will be cached. Longer times may result in inaccurate results in the workspace; however, it saves processing time.

      Database Connectivity Cache Time records the number of minutes to cache the database connectivity for reporting purposes. The minimum value is 5 minutes. This equates to keyword KSY_CACHE_MINS in file KSYENV/sy.ini.

    8. Batch mode determines if data from different managed systems are used in the same database batch; this setting also improves performance.

      Batch mode controls the batching method used by the Summarization and Pruning Agent. A value of Single Managed System (0) means that data should only be batched for the same system, whereas a value of Multiple Managed System (1) means that data from multiple systems can be batched together; this can lead to higher performance at potentially bigger transaction sizes. The default value is Single Managed System (0). This equates to keyword KSY_BATCH_MODE in file KSYENV/sy.ini.

    9. Specify whether you want to turn Database compression on or off.

    10. Specify whether you want to turn Database Table Partitioning on or off. When partitioning is enabled, the Summarization and Pruning Agent performs the following functions:

      • Creates new summary tables as partitioned tables.

      • Adds partitions to existing partitioned tables (including the detail tables created by the warehouse proxy) based on your configuration.

      • Prunes data from partitioned tables by dropping the appropriate partitions.

    To change these values, you can either use the Summarization and Pruning configuration window's Additional settings tab or update these parameters directly in file KSYENV/sy.ini.

  35. Save your settings and close the window. Click Save to save your settings. Click Close to close the configuration window.

  36. Click Finish to complete the installation.


When the installation is complete, the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window is displayed. This window is used for starting, stopping, and configuring installed components. This window can be displayed at any time from the Windows Start menu by clicking Start → Programs → IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services.

Figure 8. Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window

The symbol next to a component indicates its current state:

What to do next

Complete the following tasks after you finish the installation procedure:

Parent topic:

Install IBM Tivoli Monitoring on one computer


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