IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Introduction > Components of the monitoring architecture
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Tivoli Performance Analyzer
Tivoli Performance Analyzer adds predictive capability to Tivoli Monitoring so you can monitor resource consumption trends, anticipate future performance issues, and avoid or resolve problems more quickly.
For example, you can use Tivoli Performance Analyzer to predict application bottlenecks and create alerts for potential service threats.
Tivoli Performance Analyzer helps IT managers to answer the following questions so they can optimize IT capacity:
- When will my application fail to meet service levels?
- How will application performance change if I modify the infrastructure?
- What is the best hardware solution to meet my performance and cost goals?
- Where are my under-utilized servers and networks?
- Which servers and network components really need an upgrade?
- Which application will experience the next performance issue? When?
Providing accurate IT forecasts and appropriate IT capacity to meet business needs are two major goals in the capacity management area. You can use the following key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the critical success factors:
- Total value of unplanned or unused capacity expenditures
- Percent of capacity forecasts that were accurate
- Number of inaccurate business forecast inputs provided
- Number of incidents related to capacity or performance issues
Capacity management
Capacity management is a forward looking process that aims to align system capacity to the current and future demand in a cost-efficient manner. Within capacity management, performance analysis is a key activity. It requires tools and methods that predict how IT resources will behave in the near and mid term so you can avoid incidents and problems rather than have to react to them.
Tivoli Performance Analyzer extends the capability of Tivoli Monitoring by analyzing and enriching the data that is collected by its monitoring agents and by providing reports about the performance and capacity of your systems. Tivoli Performance Analyzer performs the following functions for individual IT components:
- Gathers and stores IT components such as CPU, disk, and memory utilization in a central data repository
- Provides a predictive analysis component that indicates trends in IT component utilization
- Retains the analyzed data in a central repository for reporting purposes and for input to the component management process
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Components of the monitoring architecture