IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Performance tuning > Tivoli Data Warehouse > Relational database design and performance tuning for DB2 Database servers
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
This section explains relevant database and database manager configuration parameters and includes guidelines for setting their values.
Review these topics and considerations for relevancy to your environment.
- Database manager configuration tuning
Each instance of the database manager has a set of database manager configuration parameters, also called database manager parameters, which affect the amount of system resources that are allocated to a single instance of the database manager.
- Database configuration tuning
Each database has a set of the database configuration parameters, which are also known as database parameters. These parameters affect the amount of system resources that are allocated to that database. Furthermore, some database configuration parameters provide descriptive information only and cannot be changed, and others are flags that indicate the status of the database.
- Buffer pools
The buffer pool is the area of memory where database pages, table rows or indexes, are temporarily read and manipulated. All buffer pools are located in global memory, which is available to all applications using the database. The purpose of the buffer pool is to improve database performance.
- Registry variables
Each instance of the database manager has a set of registry and environment variables that affect various aspects of DB2 processing. You can change the value of DB2 registry variables using the DB2SET command. Although numerous other registry and environment variables exist, the DB2_PARALLEL_IO variable has a high impact on performance.
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Relational database design and performance tuning for DB2 Database servers