IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Install IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Install the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server > Linux or AIX: Installing the portal server
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Configure the portal server on Linux or AIX: command-line procedure
To configure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server from the command-line on Linux or AIX.
Configure the portal server using either the command-line procedure in this section or the GUI procedure in Configure the portal server on Linux or AIX: GUI procedure.
Either of these configuration procedures accomplishes the following tasks:
- Automatically enables application support on the portal server for the base monitoring agents. (See Step 11 of the installation procedure.)
- Includes steps for configuring the connection between the portal server and the following components:
- The hub monitoring server
- The portal server database
- The Tivoli Data Warehouse database
- Tivoli Authorization Policy Server
If you have not set up the Tivoli Data Warehouse, complete this procedure but accept the default values at the prompts for configuring the connection to the data warehouse. You can reconfigure the connection after you set up the warehouse. See Step 9 for more information.
- Log on to the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed.
- To start configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server:
cd ITMinstall_dir/bin
./itmcmd config -A cq
...where cq is the product code for the portal server.
- Edit the ITM Connector settings.
The ITM Connector retrieves situation events reported to Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Servers for display in the Common Event Console.
If you do not enable the connector, you will not see any events in the Common Event Console. You can configure connectors for other event management systems after you have completed the product installation. For configuration instructions, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide.
To enable the connector:
- Press Enter to accept the default value for the following prompt:
Edit 'ITM Connector' settings? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ] (default is: 1):
- Press Enter to enable the connector.
- Press Enter to accept the default name of ITM1 or type your preferred name and press Enter. This is the name that is to be displayed in the Common Event Console for this connector.
- Press Enter to accept the default number of events (100) that are to be available in the Common Event Console for this connector, or type the number of events you would like to see displayed and press Enter.
- Type 2 and press Enter to display only active events in the Common Event Console for this connector. Type 1 and press Enter to view both active and closed events. By default, only active events are displayed.
- Type 2 and press Enter to skip defining data for extra columns in the Common Event Console.
When you define a Tivoli Enterprise Console or Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus connector, you can define the information that is to be mapped to each of these customizable columns. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide for information on configuring these connectors.
- Press Enter when you are asked if the agent connects to a monitoring server. (Although the prompt refers to an agent, this command is used to configure the portal server.)
- Configure the connection between the portal server and the hub monitoring server:
- Type the host name for the hub monitoring server and press Enter.
- Type the protocol that the hub monitoring server uses to communicate with the portal server. You have the following choices: ip, ip.pipe, ip.spipe, ip6, ip6.pipe, ip6.spipe, or sna. The ip, ip6 and SNA protocols have been deprecated in favour of ip.pipe and ip.spipe. You should avoid using ip, ip6 and SNA protocols even though they are available configuration options.
- To set up a backup protocol, enter that protocol and press Enter. If you do not want to use a backup protocol, press Enter without specifying a protocol.
- Depending on the type of protocol you specified, provide the following information as described in Table 1 when prompted:
Hub monitoring server protocols and values
Protocol Value Definition ip and ip6 (deprecated, use ip.pipe or ip.spipe instead) ip and ip6 port number Port number for the monitoring server. The default is 1918. sna (deprecated, use ip.pipe or ip.spipe instead) Net Name SNA network identifier for your location. LU Name LU name for the monitoring server. This LU name corresponds to the Local LU Alias in your SNA communications software. Log Mode Name of the LU6.2 LOGMODE. The default value is CANCTDCS. ip.pipe and ip6.pipe ip.pipe and ip6.pipe port number Port number for the monitoring server. The default is 1918. ip.spipe and ip6.spipe ip.spipe and ip6.spipe port number Port number for the monitoring server. The default is 3660.
- Press Enter when you are asked if you want to configure the connection to a secondary monitoring server. The default value is none.
- Press Enter to accept the default value for the Optional Primary Network Name (none).
- Press Enter to accept the default setting for SSL between the portal server and clients (N). By default, SSL is disabled. To enable SSL, type 1 and press Enter.
- Configure the connection between the portal server and the portal server database:
- Type 1 if your site is using the embedded Derby database, 2 if you're using DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
- Type the DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows instance name. The default value is db2inst1. Press Enter.
- Type the DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows administrator ID. The default value is db2inst1. Press Enter.
The DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows administrator account was created during DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows installation.
- Type the password for the DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows administrator ID, and press Enter.
- Confirm the password for the DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows administrator ID by typing it again. Press Enter.
- If you are configuring DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows for the portal server (instead of the embedded Derby database), complete the following parameters as well:
- Type the name of the portal server database. The default value is TEPS. Press Enter.
- Type the login name of the database user that the portal server will use to access the database. The default value is itmuser. Press Enter.
- Type the password for the database user and press Enter.
- Confirm the password for the database user by typing it again. Press Enter.
- You are asked if you want to create the DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows login user if it does not exist. Type 1 and press Enter.
- You are asked for the database parameters for either DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows or Oracle for the Tivoli Data Warehouse. Enter D for DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, J for Oracle (JDBC). DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows is the default.
This prompt and all remaining prompts ask for information to configure the connection between the portal server and the Tivoli Data Warehouse database. If you have not set up a Tivoli Data Warehouse, accept the default values at these prompts. Follow the instructions later in this book for implementing a Tivoli Data Warehouse solution, beginning with Tivoli Data Warehouse solutions. These instructions will direct you to reconfigure the connection between the portal server and the warehouse database after you have completed all preliminary setup tasks.
- Do one of the following:
- If you have not set up a Tivoli Data Warehouse:
- Press Enter to accept the DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows default (even if you are going to create the Tivoli Data Warehouse using Oracle).
- Press Enter at all remaining prompts to accept the default values.
- Configure a connection between the portal server and a DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows warehouse database.
Before you configure the connection, verify that you have already completed the following tasks:
- Created a warehouse database using DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
- Created a warehouse user on the computer where you created the warehouse database.
The warehouse user is the user account (user ID and password) used by the portal server and other warehousing components to access the warehouse database.
- Cataloged the warehouse database on the computer where you are installing the portal server if the warehouse database is remote from the portal server
- Activated the UNIX listeners on the computer where the warehouse database is located if the warehouse database is installed on UNIX.
These tasks are described in Tivoli Data Warehouse solution using DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
To perform the steps for configuring the connection between the portal server and the DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows data warehouse, you will need the name of the warehouse database and the user ID and password of the warehouse user. Press Enter after answering each prompt:
- Press Enter to accept the DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows default.
- Enter the name of the Tivoli Data Warehouse database. The default value is WAREHOUS.
- Enter the user ID of the warehouse user. The default value is itmuser.
The warehouse user ID must be the one declared in the configuration panel of the Warehouse Proxy Agent. This user ID serves as the first part of the name of all the tables created in the Warehouse database. If you do not declare the same user ID when configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Portal server you will not be able to see the Warehouse tables with the portal client even if they exist in the database.
- Enter the password of the warehouse user.
- Confirm the password by entering it again.
- Configure a connection between the portal server and an Oracle warehouse database.
Before you configure the connection, verify that you have already completed the following tasks:
- Created a warehouse database using Oracle
- Created a warehouse user on the computer where you created the warehouse database.
The warehouse user is the user account (user ID and password) used by the portal server and other warehousing components to access the warehouse database.
- Activated the Oracle listener on the computer where the warehouse database is located.
- Installed an Oracle JDBC Type 4 driver on the portal server.
These tasks are described in Tivoli Data Warehouse solution using Oracle.
To perform the steps for configuring the connection between the portal server and the Oracle data warehouse, you will need:
- The name of the warehouse database and the user ID and password of the warehouse user
- The location, name, and URL of the JDBC driver
Press Enter after answering each prompt:
- Enter oracle at the prompt asking if you are using DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows or Oracle for the Warehouse.
- Enter the name of the Tivoli Data Warehouse database. The default value is WAREHOUS.
- Enter the user ID of the warehouse user. The default value is itmuser.
The warehouse user ID must be the one declared in the configuration panel of the Warehouse Proxy Agent. This user ID serves as the first part of the name of all the tables created in the Warehouse database. If you do not declare the same user ID when configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Portal server you will not be able to see the Warehouse tables with the portal client even if they exist in the database.
- Enter the password of the warehouse user.
- Confirm the password by entering it again.
- Enter the full path name of the Oracle Type 4 JDBC driver JAR file as follows:
oracleinstalldir/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jarwhere oracleinstalldir is the directory location of the JDBC driver JAR file on this computer.
- Enter the following JDBC driver name:
- Enter the JDBC driver URL. This is the Oracle-defined URL that identifies the locally or remotely installed Oracle instance used for the Tivoli Data Warehouse. The following entry is an example:
- If the warehouse database is located on a remote computer, replace localhost with the host name of the remote computer.
- Change the default port number (1521), and Tivoli Data Warehouse name (WAREHOUS) if they are different.
- Enter any user-defined attributes that are used to customize the behavior of the driver connection. Use semi-colons (;) to delimit the attributes. Press Enter to finish the configuration.
Configure LDAP Security. By default, LDAP Security: Validate User with LDAP is enabled (1=Yes, 2=No). Press Enter if you want the portal server to use an LDAP registry to authenticate users and, optionally, to enable single sign on. A best practice is to select 2 to install and configure the portal server with LDAP validation disabled. After a basic installation of IBM Tivoli Monitoring has been completed and tested then you can reconfigure the portal server and enable LDAP user validation using the instructions in the Enabling user authentication chapter of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide.
If you enable LDAP user validation, the LDAP server must be started so that Tivoli Monitoring can verify a connection to the LDAP server. If a connection cannot be established, LDAP user validation will be disabled when the portal server installation completes.
If you select 1 for enable LDAP user validation, you are prompted for the following LDAP configuration parameters:
- LDAP base:
- LDAP DN Base Entry: (Default is: o=ITMSSOEntry)
- LDAP bind ID:
- LDAP bind password:
- Re-type: LDAP bind password:
- LDAP Port number: (Default is: 389)
- LDAP host name: (Default is: localhost)
For more information about configuring these fields, see Prerequisites for configuring LDAP authentication on the portal server in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide.
Configure Single Sign On if you enabled LDAP user validation. By default, Enable Single Sign On is disabled (1=Yes, 2=No). Type 1 if you want the portal server to use single signon with other applications such as IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub or with other applications that launch the portal client. A best practice is to install and configure the portal server with single signon disabled. After a basic installation of IBM Tivoli Monitoring has been completed and tested, you can reconfigure the portal server and enable single signon using the instructions in the Enabling user authentication chapter of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide.
- If you selected 1 to enable Single Sign On, you are prompted to enter values for the following parameters:
- Domain name
- Realm name
For more information about configuring these fields and setting up SSO, see Prerequisites for configuring LDAP authentication on the portal server and About single sign-on in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide.
Configure dashboard data provider. By default, the dashboard data provider is disabled (1=Yes, 2=No). Type 1 if Dashboard Application Services Hub will be used with monitoring dashboard applications such as...
- IBM Infrastructure Management Dashboards for Servers
- IBM Infrastructure Management Dashboards for VMware
- IBM Infrastructure Management Capacity Planner for VMware
- IBM Infrastructure Management Capacity Planner for PowerVM
...will be used to create or enable custom dashboard pages for monitoring agents.
See the Preparing your dashboard environment topic in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide for details on additional configuration tasks to perform after installation.
- The domain override value is optional and is only valid when the dashboard data provider is enabled. It changes the default dashboard data provider ID and domain name for authorization policies from...
itm.<Hub monitoring server name>
itm.<domain override value>
The value may not exceed 124 characters. You should configure a domain override value for these scenarios:
- The Hot Standby high availability feature is being used for the Hub monitoring server. By configuring a domain override value, the dashboard data provider ID and domain name will not change when the portal server is configured to connect to the new acting Hub monitoring server. If you do not configure a domain override value in this scenario, you must reconfigure the connection between the IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub and the dashboard data provider and update any domain specific authorization policies when the portal server is configured to connect to the new acting Hub monitoring server.
- You have multiple Hub monitoring servers that are using a common set of authorization policies for controlling dashboard access and you want to create some domain specific authorization policies. You should specify a domain override value for this scenario if you want to use a more user friendly domain name in your authorization policies than the default value of itm.<Hub monitoring server name>.
- If you modify the domain override after you have configured a connection in your Dashboard Application Services Hub Server to the dashboard data provider then you must delete the connection and re-add it. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide for details on how to configure a dashboard data provider connection. Also if you have created any domain specific authorization policies using the default domain name then you must delete the permissions that use the previous domain name and create new permissions that use the new domain name when you change the domain override value. See the Command Reference for details on the tivcmd CLI commands used to create and work with authorization policies.
If you selected Yes in step 14 you are asked if you want to enable authorization policies (1=Yes, 2=No. Default is 1). Enable authorization policies if you want to use authorization policies to control which managed systems and managed system groups a user can access in monitoring dashboards of the IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub. Once authorization policies are enabled, only authorized users will see data in monitoring dashboards. You should only enable authorization policies if your administrators have already created the initial set of policies for dashboard user access using the Tivoli Authorization Policy Server and tivmd Command Line Interface for Authorization Policy. See the Using role-based authorization policies topic in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide for details on how to create and work with authorization policies. If authorization policies have not been created yet, do not enable authorization policies. After the authorization policies are ready reconfigure the portal server and enable authorization policies. The configuration parameters are described in the following table:
Configuration information for the Authorization Policy Server
Parameter Description Hostname or IP Address IP Address or fully qualified hostname of the IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub with the Authorization Policy Server. This parameter is required.
Protocol Choose the protocol used to connect to the IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub with the Authorization Policy Server. The default value is HTTPS. This parameter is not required. Port Choose the port used to connect to the IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub with the Authorization Policy Server. The default value is 16311 for the HTTPS protocol and 16310 for the HTTP protocol. The valid port values are from 1 to 65535 inclusive. This parameter is not required.
Polling Interval How often the local data store is updated from the Authorization Policy Server by the policy client running on the portal server. The default is 30 minutes. Valid values are from 5 to 1440 minutes inclusive. This parameter is not required.
Policy Store Expiration Interval If the policy store cannot be updated from the Authorization Policy Server, this interval is the amount of time the local policy store will continue to be utilized from the last update. If the Authorization Policy Server cannot be accessed for the time interval specified by this parameter, all subsequent requests for dashboard data will fail with an authorization error until the Authorization Policy Server is available again. The default is 7 days and 0 hours. The value specified for hours must be in the range of 0-23 hours. If the expiration interval is set to 0 days and 0 hours, the policy store will never expire. This parameter is not required.
User ID Name of the user that the portal server will use to access the IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub with Authorization Policy Server. This user must be added to the PolicyDistributor authorization policy core role or to a custom role that has been granted permission to perform the distribute operation for the role object type. See the Using role-based authorization policies chapter in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide and the Command Reference for more details on creating authorization policy roles and assigning users to them. This parameter is required.
Password Password for the user. This parameter is required.
Confirm Password Confirm the password by entering it again. This parameter is required.
A message is displayed telling you that InstallPresentation is running, and then a message telling you that the installation has completed.
Parent topic:
Linux or AIX: Installing the portal server