IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Tivoli Data Warehouse solution using DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows > Step 5: Install and configure communications for the Tivoli Performance Analyzer

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Configure Tivoli Performance Analyzer on Windows (ODBC connection)

Use this procedure to configure Tivoli Performance Analyzer on Windows to connect to a DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows data warehouse.

  1. Log on to the Windows system where Tivoli Performance Analyzer is installed and begin the configuration:

    1. Click Start → Programs → IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services. The Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window is displayed.

    2. Right-click Performance Analyzer and click Reconfigure.

    3. Click OK on the message regarding connection to a hub monitoring server.

  2. The next two windows (entitled Performance Analyzer: Agent Advanced Configuration) contain the settings for the connection between Tivoli Performance Analyzer and the hub monitoring server. These settings were specified when Tivoli Performance Analyzer was installed. Click OK on each window to accept the settings.

  3. Click Yes on the message asking if you want to configure the ODBC data source.

  4. Select ODBC from the list of selectable agent database connection types.

  5. Set your Database Type to DB2.

  6. Specify the Data Source Name - Agent ODBC DSN (ITM Warehouse is the default).

    Tivoli Performance Analyzer does not create this DSN - it must already exist. If you are installing the agent on the same machine where TEP Server is installed, you can use the existing data source created by Tivoli Monitoring. Otherwise, you must create a new System DSN manually, prior to re-configuring Tivoli Performance Analyzer.

    On 64-bit versions of Windows, data sources created by the default ODBC Data Source Administrator applet available from the Control Panel are not available for 32-bit applications. Therefore use the 32-bit version of the ODBC Data Source Administrator applet from <WINDOWS>\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.

    Values for the data source name, database name, and database user ID and password must match the values that you used when configuring an ODBC connection for Tivoli Performance Analyzer. See Configure an ODBC data source for a DB2 data warehouse.

  7. Type the Username and Password. The entries in these fields are used to connect to the Tivoli Data Warehouse and are the same credentials as those used by the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, the Warehouse Proxy Agent, the Summarization and Pruning Agent, and the Performance Analyzer to communicate with the Tivoli Data Warehouse.

  8. Click Next to proceed to the Advanced Configuration window.

  9. You can enable Advanced Configuration to specify Tivoli Data Warehouse schema and The Tivoli Data Warehouse database schema. If you do not select Enable advanced configuration these options are greyed out.

  10. You can also choose whether you want the agent to Initialize PA tables and OS domain tasks.

    Setting Initialize PA tables to YES will remove and recreate all previously created tables deleting all user tasks and reverting each OS task to its default.

  11. Use the Bypass connection tests option to finish the configuration without running connection tests.

  12. Click OK to finish the configuration process.

    Configuration information for the Tivoli Data Warehouse database on DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows

    Field Default value Description
    ODBC DSN ITM Warehouse Name of the data source.
    Username ITMUser Name of the Windows OS user that the Tivoli Performance Analyzer will use to access the Tivoli Data Warehouse database.
    Password itmpswd1 Password for the Windows OS user. If your environment requires complex passwords (passwords that require both alpha and numeric characters), specify a password that complies with these requirements.
    Test Connection   Test the connection to the Tivoli Data Warehouse Database based on the completed fields above: ODBC DSN, Username, and Password.

Parent topic:

Step 5: Install and configure communications for the Tivoli Performance Analyzer


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