IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Post-deployment phase
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Maintaining an efficient monitoring environment
This section covers the daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly routine health checks on the Tivoli Monitoring enterprise environment.
By performing these routine procedures in addition to your daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly health checks, you ensure that the Tivoli Monitoring environment continues to run smoothly.
- Run the taudit.js tool which can be found in the IBM Integrated Service Management Library by searching for "Web SOAP scheduled reporting tools" or navigation code "1TW10TM0U". This tool provides an overall status of the environment. Run this tool every day.
- Take a monitoring server backup every 24 hours in early stages and then move to weekly backups. If you have snapshot software, you can take backups with the monitoring server or portal server, or both online. Otherwise, shutdown the monitoring server and portal server before taking a backup. Test these backups after you first develop the process and at least twice a year thereafter by restoring to a monitoring server in your test environment to ensure the backups are successfully backing up the data you need to restore your production monitoring server in the event of an outage or need for rolling back to a previous state.
- Make sure the portal server database backup is in the plan and is being made daily as the environment is being rolled out and then weekly as the environment matures and less frequent changes are made to the environment. Test these backups after you first develop the process and at least twice a year thereafter by restoring to a portal server in your test environment to ensure the backups are successfully backing up the data you need to restore your production portal server in the event of an outage or need to rollback to previous state.
- Make sure the DB2 warehouse backup is in the plan and is being made weekly. The reason you need to do this weekly is because of huge database size.
- Check daily that the warehouse agent is performing by looking at the warehouse logs (hostname_hd_timestamp-nn.log).
- Check daily that the Summarization and Pruning Agent is performing by looking at the (hostname_sy_timestamp-nn.log) logs.
- Check the monitoring server (hostname_ms_timestamp-nn.log) and portal server logs (hostname_cq_timestamp-nn.log) for any obvious errors and exceptions.
- Check that there are no monitoring servers overloaded with agents. One way to do this is by checking the "Self-Monitoring Topology" workspace, which has a "Managed Systems per TEMS" view showing the number of agents reporting to each monitoring server.
- For DB2, run the REORGCHK and RUNSTATS on the warehouse database daily. You can execute these tasks while the databases are online. To setup DB2 to accomplish the automation, see the Automatic statistics collection and Automatic table and index maintenance topics in the IBM DB2 Database information center. Alternatively, your database administrator can setup their own automation.
- For DB2, run the REORGCHK and RUNSTATS on the portal server database weekly. You can execute these tasks while the databases are online. To setup DB2 to accomplish the automation, see the Automatic statistics collection and Automatic table and index maintenance topics in the IBM DB2 Database information center. Alternatively, your database administrator can setup their own automation.
- Check that events are reaching the Tivoli Enterprise Console server or OMNIbus.
- Check that all the fired situations are answered with a response and are not in open state for a long period of time.
- Check that the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server can communicate to each of the monitoring agents. The easiest way to test this is to run the taudit.js tool (mentioned above).
- Check the core components process memory and CPU usage and that you have situations created to monitor them.
- Daily health checks
Use the following list to perform daily health checks.
- Weekly health checks
Use the following list to perform weekly health checks.
- Monthly health checks
Use the following list to perform monthly health checks.
- Quarterly health checks
Use the following list to perform quarterly health checks.
Parent topic:
Post-deployment phase