IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Pre-deployment phase > Understanding Tivoli Monitoring and your network > Determine where to place the Tivoli Monitoring components

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Warehouse Proxy Agent

The Warehouse Proxy Agent is a unique agent that performs only one task: collecting and consolidating all historical data from the individual agents to store in the Tivoli Data Warehouse. If you are using the Tivoli Data Warehouse, at least one Warehouse Proxy Agent is required for each Tivoli Monitoring installation.

The Warehouse Proxy Agent uses ODBC (open database connectivity) on Windows and JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) on AIX and Linux to write the historical data to a supported relational database. The Warehouse Proxy Agent is typically placed on the same LAN segment as the warehouse database, which allows for the best throughput to the database. You can also place the Warehouse Proxy Agent on the same server as the warehouse database.

For larger environments or deployments with multiple data centers, use multiple Warehouse Proxy Agents. You can have as many as one Warehouse Proxy Agent per monitoring server in your monitoring environment. Placing the Warehouse Proxy Agent on the same server as the remote monitoring server reduces the number of servers running Tivoli Monitoring components. This placement also simplifies the configuration because the Warehouse Proxy Agent can be configured to service agents connected to the local monitoring server. If the server running the remote monitoring server goes down and the agent fails over to a secondary monitoring server, the agent should be able to upload historical data through the Warehouse Proxy Agent on the secondary monitoring server. This placement also has the advantage of limiting the number of agents that upload historical data through a single Warehouse Proxy Agent.

NAT environments require specific considerations. The agents receive the IP address of the Warehouse Proxy Agent from the monitoring server. In a NAT network, you must ensure that the agents receive the correct IP address of the Warehouse Proxy Agent. To ensure that the agents can communicate with the Warehouse Proxy Agent, place the Warehouse Proxy Agent on the same servers as the remote monitoring server. This placement is required only for the agents that are connected to a NAT network.

For information on configuring the historical collection, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Tivoli Enterprise Portal User's Guide.

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Determine where to place the Tivoli Monitoring components


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