IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Pre-deployment phase > Understanding Tivoli Monitoring and your network > Determine where to place the Tivoli Monitoring components
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Tivoli Data Warehouse
The Tivoli Data Warehouse is the storage database that contains all of the warehoused (long-term) historical data.
A Warehouse Proxy Agent must be installed to leverage the Tivoli Data Warehouse function within the environment. In large-scale deployments, a Tivoli Data Warehouse can be shared among monitoring installations.
If installing the warehouse database on a Microsoft SQL Server, you must also install the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server on a Windows-based computer. This restriction applies even if the warehouse database and portal server are installed on separate computers. For example, a portal server on Linux does not support a warehouse database using Microsoft SQL Server.
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Determine where to place the Tivoli Monitoring components