IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Performance tuning > Tivoli Data Warehouse > Relational database design and performance tuning for DB2 Database servers

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Application design details

The Tivoli Monitoring application was designed and tested with performance and scalability in mind. Consider reuse of the database connection using the Tivoli Monitoring connection pooling feature.

Connection pooling is a process in which DB2 drops the inbound connection with an application that requests disconnection, but keeps the outbound connection to the host in a pool. When a new application requests a connection, DB2 uses one from the existing pool. Using the existing connection reduces the total amount of connection time and the high processor connection cost on the host.

For the data warehouse, connection pooling is implemented using the Tivoli Monitoring environment variable KHD_CNX_POOL_SIZE. The default value is 10. You can use the volume of work that the database is processing to decide whether to increase or decrease this value. This parameter is applicable to other database managers such as SQL Server and Oracle.

For information about other environment variables, see Warehouse Proxy Agent and Warehouse Summarization and Pruning Agent.

Parent topic:

Relational database design and performance tuning for DB2 Database servers


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