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Socket content verification point details

Content verification points enable you to test that the data received from a connection matches the expected data.

Content verification points return a Pass status when the received data matches the criteria specified in the verification point.

Comparison operator

Specify the criteria to use to perform the verification, among the following operators:


The verification point returns a Pass status if the received data exactly matches the text or binary content that is specified in the Data area.


The verification point returns a Pass status if the text or binary content that is specified in the Data area occurs at least once in the received data.

Starts with

The verification point returns a Pass status if the text or binary content that is specified in the Data area occurs at the beginning of the received data.

Ends with

The verification point returns a Pass status if the text or binary content that is specified in the Data area occurs at the end of the received data.

Differs from

The verification point returns a Pass status if the received data does not exactly match the text or binary content that is specified in the Data area.

Does not contain

The verification point returns a Pass status if the text or binary content that is specified in the Data area does not occur at least once in the received data.

Does not start with

The verification point returns a Pass status if the text or binary content that is specified in the Data area does not occur at the beginning of the received data.


Specify the data that is expected to be received through the connection.


In this view, edit the expected content as binary data.


In this view, edit the expected content as raw ASCII data. Bytes are expressed as 7-bit alphanumeric characters or two-digit hexadecimal bytes preceded with \x. Additionally, \r and \n stand for carriage-return and line-feed, while \\ represents the backslash character.

Related reference

  • Socket test details
  • Socket connection details
  • Socket close details
  • Socket send details
  • Socket receive details
  • Socket size verification point details
  • Socket custom verification point details