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Virtual users have exited prior to stage completion. At the end of stage stagename there were actualusercount users running when expectedusercount were expected. A common reason for this is a schedule which has assigned an insufficient amount of work (for one or more User Groups), to keep the associated virtual users active for the full amount of time specified by the stage duration(s). Review the schedule for sufficient workload. When using multiple stages it is strongly recommended to use infinite loops to ensure that virtual users always have enough work scheduled regardless of the total duration of all the stages. Another possible reason is that one or more virtual users exited upon encountering a serious error; consult the Test Log or Common Base Event XML log on the agent for more information.

During schedule execution, at the end of the current stage, the actual number of users running did not match the expected number of users. For example, if the current stage specifies that 100 users should run for 1 hour and only 90 users are running at the end of the hour, this message is displayed.

The test run stops.
