Locate specific types of test elements



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To locate elements of a specific type, click Select in the Test Contents area.

The elements are displayed in a table, and you can sort the table columns.

Locate test elements of a specific type

  1. Double-click a test

  2. To restrict the search to specific instances of elements, select them in the test.

    For example, you might want to search for text in specific responses, rather than in all responses.

  3. Click the test editor tree to give it focus, and then click Select.

    This list is generated dynamically based on the contents of the test.

    For example, if a test does not contain verification points, they are not listed.

  4. To include only the elements selected, select...

      Restrict To Highlighted Elements

  5. To include only the elements containing specific text from the Test Contents area, select...

      Use Filter Text

  6. Select the type of test element to view from the list.

  7. If you selected Use Filter Text, enter the filter text in the prompt, and click OK

Related tasks

  1. Test Search