Import response time breakdown data



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You can...

  1. Collect response time breakdown data in historical mode using IBM Tivoli Monitoring
  2. Import this data test report or a schedule report after run has completed

The monitoring server can be...

When importing response time breakdown data, verify clocks on all computers are synchronized. If you import response time breakdown data from a computer for which the clock was not synchronized, use the Correct Time Offset feature in the Performance Test Runs view to adjust the clock skew.

Typically you will import response time breakdown from a live production environment, rather than a development environment. When you analyze applications in a production environment, the data you are working with is data from past activity that has been stored in a database, which is queried, collected, and imported for analysis.

Import response time breakdown data

  1. Right-click a set of execution results in the Performance Test Runs view, and click...

      Import Response Time Breakdown Data

    Alternatively, right-click a report, and click Import Response Time Breakdown Data from the menu.

  2. Specify the location of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring server:

    1. Type the IP address or the fully qualified host name of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring server in the Host field.

    2. Type the user ID and password for the monitoring server in Authentication.

    3. Change the Connection information if needed. Typically Tivoli system administrator specifies this information.

    4. Select Save Password to save password locally.

      If you do not save password, you might be prompted for it (depending on the host system configuration) when editing the configured location or when running test schedules that use the location.

    5. Click Next.

  3. Specify the time period for which to import data.

    When specifying the time in a specific number of units, note that for consistency, "month" is defined as 30 days and "year" is defined as 365 days. "Days" refer to 24 hour periods, not calendar days. If you click Specify a time interval, the Start time and End time will be automatically set to match the run into which you are importing the response time breakdown data. The selected units of time are subtracted from the time that you click Finish to import the data to give the start time.

    For example, if you select 2 months, the time period will be the 60 days (24-hour time periods) immediately prior to clicking Finish.

    Choose either...

    • Import detailed instance-level data
    • Import aggregated statistics

    You cannot import aggregated statistics from an IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for WebSphere server. Attempting to do so will result in an error message. Import instance-level data, which correlates to an exact transaction URI (a specific page element). Aggregated statistics do not.

    The Transactions page of the wizard shows a list of all available transactions. The Transaction Pattern column shows the exact transaction that is recorded. Transactions containing a regular expression cannot be correlated with a page element. Ensure that instance-level data is collected for the exact URI used in tests.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Specify the policies or traps, from which to import data.

    If there are no policies or traps listed, click Back, and then adjust the time period to include an interval where policies or traps are captured. Click Next.

  6. Select the hosts from which to import data. Here Host refers to a system running one or more IBM Tivoli Monitoring agents; then click Next.

  7. Select the transactions from which to import data, and click Next.

  8. Select the Profiling project and Monitor group under which to store the imported data.

    If you imported the data by clicking File > Import then change the default project and monitor.

    In this case specify test project as the profiling project and the report under which to store the data as the monitor; if you do not, the data will not import correctly.

What to do next

Now you can view response time breakdown data in the report.

See Also

  • Import response time breakdown data
  • Impose constraints while importing response time breakdown data
  • Enable response time breakdown collection