Disable data correlation



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You can disable a data correlation source or a substitution site.

When you disable a data source, none of the substitution sites that use the source will be correlated when you run tests.

When you disable a substitution site, only that specific substitution site is disabled. Other substitution sites that use the same reference will be correlated when you run tests.

You can also disable data correlation entirely for subsequent tests that you record.

Disable a data correlation source or substitution site

  1. Double-click a test

  2. In the Test Contents area, click a request.

  3. In the Test Element Details area, locate the data correlation source or substitution site.

  4. Right-click the data value and select Disable from the menu.

    To re-enable a disabled data source or substitution site, right-click the data value and select Enable from the menu.


The data correlation source or substitution site is disabled.

To disable data correlation for the entire workspace, click...

...and clear...

Subsequent tests that you record or regenerate will not include data correlation.


  • Data correlation overview
  • Test data sources overview
  • Guidelines for adjusting data correlation
  • Viewing data correlation
  • Create a reference or field reference
  • Correlating multiple fields in a test
  • Re-correlating test data