Create a test project
- Open...
File | New | Performance Test Project
- In the Project Name field, type a name for the project.
- Select Use default location
- Click Next and select the folders to create in the new project. These folders organize files by asset (Tests, Schedules, Results, and so on). Optional.
If you do not create folders now, you can view test assets logically at any time.
- Click Finish.
The test project is created and the window...
Create New Test from Recording
...opens so that you can record a test immediately.
- Click Next to start recording the test.
Click Cancel to record the test later.
If you are creating a SIP test, click Cancel. You cannot record a SIP test.
Next step
Related tasks
- Record HTTP tests
- Record SAP tests
- Record Citrix tests
- Record service tests
- Create SIP tests
- Record socket tests