Create SIP tests
After creating a test project, you create an empty test within the project.A test must be stored in a project. If you have not created a project, click File > New > Performance Test Project to create a container for tests. To create an empty SIP test:
- In the Test Navigator, click File > New > Other.
- In the New window, expand SIP Tests, select SIP Test, and then click Next. The New SIP Test window opens.
- In the Enter or select the parent folder field, click the project in which to store the test.
- In the Name field, type a name for the test, ... The Test Attributes window opens.
- Optional: Type a description for the test, and then click Finish. You are asked whether to open the test for editing.
What to do next
The next step is to add elements to the test. For more information, see Editing SIP tests.