Create a service test for a plain XML call
You can create a test for a plain XML call over HTTP, JMS, or IBM WebSphere MQ, by simply adding the test elements as required and editing the test element details in the test editor.Before beginning
Verify that the Agent Controller is running on the local computer.
Tests are stored in test projects, which are Java™ projects that include a source folder. You must create a test project before creating a test.
If you are using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication, ensure that you have any required key files in workspace.
If you are using SOAP security, ensure that you have configured the environment with the correct libraries and configuration files. To create a test:
- In the workbench, click File > New > Other > Test > Test Assets > Service Test or click the New Service Test
toolbar button.
- Select a project, and then, in Test file name, type a name for the test and click Next. The name that you type is the base name for the recording, test, and other required files. You see these files in the standard Navigator or the Java Package Explorer with their distinguishing suffixes, but you see only the simple (test) name in the Test Navigator.
- On the Select Service Call Interface page, select whether to create a test using a plain XML call interface or a Web service call interface. If you select Web service call interface, select or add a WSDL file and then, select port to which the call will be binded. Click Next.
- On the Configure Protocol page, select either HTTP, JMS or WebSphere MQ as the protocol and then, specify the options for the selected Protocol configuration.
- On the Select Root Element page, you can select an XSD and then, select a root element for the call.
- Click Finish.
Service testing guidelines
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