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Change service test generation preferences


You can change default test generation values by changing the preference settings. The default settings, however, are appropriate for recording in most cases.

Change the test generation preference settings

  1. Click...

      Window | Preferences | Test | Web Services Test Generation

  2. Select the setting to change.

    Time out delay used for call

    This is the default time out for Web service calls. If the Web service does not respond within this period, an error is produced.

    Think time default value

    This is the default think time for generated tests.

  3. After changing a setting, click Apply.


  • Service testing guidelines

    Related tasks

  • Verify WSDL syntax compliance for JMS services
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  • Record a service test using an HTTP proxy
  • Create a service test from a BPEL model
  • Create a service test manually
  • Create a service test for WebSphere MQ
  • Create a service test for a plain XML call