Change the default appearance of reports
You can change the report default settings for...
- typeface
- color
- graph style of reports
- whether a Compare report automatically opens when a staged run ends
- Display a warning when changing Percentile report options will cause data to be lost
Change the default appearance of reports
Window | Preferences | Test | Performance Test Reports
In the Test Reports window, select the options to change:
Title color Click the color button to set the color of the report titles. Title font Click Change to set the typeface and the size for the report titles. Use thin bars on bar chart Select to display graph bars that do not touch; clear to display graph bars that touch. Use 3D bars on bar chart and pie chart Select to display three-dimensional bars. Use symbols on line chart If report is long with many data points, you typically clear this box. When there are many data points, the symbols obscure the trends and make the data hard to interpret. Use alternating background on tables Select to give each other table row a gray background. The alternating background helps make the tables easy to read. Data gradient The default of None displays reports in neutral colors, which generally will suit needs. You can also select a brown, gray, or red-green-blue color scheme. Select 256 color supported only if you have problems with the other data gradients. Marker gradient When you are modeling a workload over time, select a contrasting color palette for markers to distinguish them from the data gradient that you have selected. Markers separate the time ranges displayed on line charts. Remain focused on default time range Select to show all data from time 0 to the end of run in a staged run report. Focus report on active time range Select to show all data aggregated in real-time relative to the start of a user-load plateau and not relative to the beginning of the run in staged run report (default). Add active time range to a comparison report for all time ranges Select to add a user-load plateau to a real-time comparison report of all smart-load time ranges in a staged run report. Open a new report on the active time range Select to open a new staged run report when a user-load plateau becomes active. Launch compare report when staged run completes When you are running a schedule containing multiple stages, time ranges are automatically created for each stage. Click to display a Compare report, which compares the time ranges of each stage, automatically after the run completes. Warn of lost changes when a dynamic tab is modified Most common example of losing changes occurs in the Percentile report. If you generate a report on a run, and then regenerate it with different percentiles, the data from the original percentiles will be overwritten. Display a warning when you modify a report.