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Analyze distributed application performance problems

The performance and problem analysis tools can help you find and fix the coding problems that can cause distributed performance issues.

For example, suppose that a distributed application that you have developed shows signs of performance problems. Perhaps users are finding it to be unexpectedly slow, or unresponsive after a period of time. Maybe it fails without warning, losing customer data. The performance and problem analysis tools can help in these situations.

You can import response time breakdown data from an application deployed to a production environment (where real users are using the application), if it is being monitored by IBM Tivoli Monitoring.

You can also collect response time breakdown data from a distributed application in a development or testing environment. This data can then be analyzed to help locate the exact source of the problem.

  1. Problem analysis overview
  2. Common application performance problems
  3. Collect and analyze response time breakdown data
  4. Troubleshooting and unsupported scenarios