IBM Rational Functional Tester
Version 8.1.1000
IBM Rational Functional Tester Proxy SDK Reference

Project Version 2.3
Class PopupMenuProxy

java.lang.Object   extended by com.rational.test.ft.sys.RegisteredObject       extended by com.rational.test.ft.domain.ProxyTestObject
          extended by
              extended by
                  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
IChannelObject, IDataDriven, IProxyBase, IPropertyFilter, com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphical, com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem

public class PopupMenuProxy
extends JavaGuiProxy
implements com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem

The implicit proxy for a heavyweight popup menu.

Field Summary
protected static com.rational.test.ft.util.FtDebug debug
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.domain.ProxyTestObject
Fields inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.sys.RegisteredObject
Fields inherited from interface com.rational.test.ft.domain.IDataDriven
Constructor Summary
PopupMenuProxy(com.rational.test.ft.sys.graphical.Window popup)
          This sole constructor for all proxy objects sets the SUT object as a member variable for the proxy.
PopupMenuProxy(com.rational.test.ft.sys.graphical.Window popup, com.rational.test.ft.sys.graphical.Window parent, ProxyTestObject parentProxy)
          This constructor defines the SUT object as a member variable for the proxy.
Method Summary
protected  void activateTopWindow()
          Overlocad the inherited implementation to NEVER attempt to activate the menu popup window (it just goes away when activated).
 void click(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
          Perform a mouse click action at the specified object relative coordinates within the associated TestObject.
 void click(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point pt)
          Perform a mouse click action on the specified coordinates relative to the associated TestObject.
 void click(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
          Left mouse click on the center point of the associated subitem.
 void click(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point pt)
          Left mouse click on the specified coordinates relative to the associated TestObject.
 void doubleClick(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
          Perform a mouse dbl-click action at the specified object relative coordinates within the associated TestObject.
 void doubleClick(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point pt)
          Perform a mouse dbl-click action on the specified coordinates relative to the associated TestObject.
 void doubleClick(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
          Left mouse dbl-click on the center point of the associated TestObject.
 void doubleClick(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point pt)
          Left mouse dbl-click on the specified coordinates relative to the associated TestObject.
 void drag(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
          Perform a drag action against the associated TestObject with the supplied set of mouse modifiers.
 void drag(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem1, java.awt.Point pt1, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem2, java.awt.Point pt2)
          Perform a drag action against the associated TestObject.
 void drag(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem1, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem2)
          Perform a drag action against the associated TestObject.
 void drag(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
          Perform a MOUSE_LEFT drag action against the associated TestObject.
 void drag(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem1, java.awt.Point pt1, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem2, java.awt.Point pt2)
          Perform a MOUSE_LEFT drag action against the associated TestObject.
 void drag(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem1, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem2)
          Perform a MOUSE_LEFT drag action against the associated TestObject.
 void dragToScreenPoint(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point screenPt)
          Perform a drag action against the associated TestObject.
 void dragToScreenPoint(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point subitemPt, java.awt.Point screenPt)
          Perform a drag action against the associated TestObject.
 void dragToScreenPoint(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point screenPt)
          Perform a MOUSE_LEFT drag action against the associated TestObject.
 void dragToScreenPoint(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point subitemPt, java.awt.Point screenPt)
          Perform a MOUSE_LEFT drag action against the associated TestObject.
protected  java.awt.Rectangle getActionRect()
          Gets the screen relative rectangle and throws an invalid action exception if the rect is not valid.
 java.lang.Object getChildAtPoint(java.awt.Point pt)
          Finds the child object that is at the specified point.
 java.util.Enumeration getChildrenEnumeration()
          Return an enumeration of mappable proxies for the children of this object.
 java.awt.Rectangle getClippedScreenRectangle()
          Returns the clipped-screen rectangle for the associated TestObject
 java.lang.String getDescriptiveName()
          Returns a name that can be used to describe the associated UI object in a script.
 java.util.Enumeration getImmediateChildren()
          Return an enumeration of proxies for the immediate children of this object.
 ProxyTestObject getMappableParent()
          Returns a proxy object for the parent of this object.
 com.rational.test.ft.sys.MethodSpecification getMethodSpecForPoint(java.awt.Point pt)
          Return a MethodSpecification for a method that returns a java.awt.Point for the specified coordinates.
 java.lang.String getObjectClassName()
          Returns the class name of the associated object.
 ProxyTestObject getParent()
          Returns a proxy object for the parent of this object.
 java.lang.Object getParentObject()
          Returns an object for the parent of this object.
 com.rational.test.ft.sys.graphical.Window getPopupWindow()
 java.util.Hashtable getProperties()
          Returns a complete set of properties for the associated test object.
 java.lang.String getRole()
          Returns TestObjectRole.ROLE_POPUP_MENU.
 java.awt.Point getScreenPoint(java.awt.Point pt)
          Returns the screen relative point given an object relative point.
 java.awt.Point getScreenPoint(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
          Returns the screen relative point to the center of the supplied subitem.
 java.awt.Point getScreenPoint(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point pt)
          Returns the screen relative point given a subitem and a subitem relative point.
 java.awt.Rectangle getScreenRectangle()
          Returns the rectangle that contains the component being evaluated relative to the top left corner of the screen.
 java.awt.Rectangle getScreenRectangle(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
          Returns the rectangle that contains the component being evaluated relative to the top left corner of the screen.
 com.rational.test.ft.script.ScriptCommandFlags getScriptCommandFlags()
          This method returns an active state value that reflects the state of the test object at the time of the call.
 java.util.Hashtable getStandardProperties()
          For Java, the definition for standard properties is the same as getProperties().
 java.lang.Object getSubitem(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
          Returns an object that represents the specified subitem in the associated test object.
 java.lang.String getTestObjectClassName()
          Set to null when the JPopupMenu is not interesting.
 com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.ITopWindow getTopMappableWindow()
          All Gui Components must be inside of a top-level object.
 com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.ITopWindow getTopWindow()
          All Gui Components must be inside of a top-level object.
 java.awt.Rectangle getVisualClippedRectangle()
          The optimized way to obtain the ClippedRectangle.
 boolean hasFocus()
          Check the component under evaluation to determine if it has keyboard focus.
 void hover(double secondDelay, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
          Hover the mouse over the center of the specified subitem.
 void hover(double secondDelay, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point pt)
          Hover the mouse over the specified coordinates relative to the specified subitem.
 void hover(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
          Hover the mouse over the center of the specified subitem.
 void hover(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point pt)
          Hover the mouse over the specified coordinates relative to the specified subitem.
 boolean isEnabled()
          Check the component under evaluation to determine if it is enabled or disabled.
 boolean isOpaque()
          Check the component under evaluation to determine if it is opaque or transparent.
 boolean isPointInObject(java.awt.Point pt)
          Determines if the specified screen relative point is contained in the component under evaluation.
 boolean isShowing()
          Check the component under evaluation to determine if it is showing (as apposed to hidden).
 void mouseMove(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
          Perform a move action against the associated TestObject.
 void mouseMove(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point pt)
          Perform a move action against the associated TestObject.
 void mouseMove(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
          Perform a MOUSE_LEFT move action against the associated TestObject.
 void mouseMove(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point subitemPt)
          Perform a MOUSE_LEFT move action against the associated TestObject.
 void nClick(int clickCount, com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point pt)
          Perform a mouse n-click action on the specified coordinates relative to the associated TestObject.
 void nClickDrag(int clickCount, com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem1, java.awt.Point pt1, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem2, java.awt.Point pt2)
          Perform a mouse n-click drag action on the specified coordinates relative to the associated TestObject.
 void nClickDrag(int clickCount, com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem1, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem2)
          Perform a mouse n-click drag action on the specified coordinates relative to the associated TestObject.
 void nClickDragToScreenPoint(int clickCount, com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point screenPt)
          Perform a mouse n-click drag action on the specified coordinates relative the screen relative screenPt coordinates.
 void nClickDragToScreenPoint(int clickCount, com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers, com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem, java.awt.Point subitemPt, java.awt.Point screenPt)
          Perform a mouse n-click drag action on the specified coordinates relative the screen relative screenPt coordinates.
 void processSingleMouseEvent(IMouseActionInfo action)
          Return a MethodSpecification for the specified mouse event.
 boolean shouldBeMapped()
          Returns true, by default all test objects are mapped.
Methods inherited from class
click, click, click, click, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, drag, drag, drag, drag, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dumpAction, ensureObjectIsVisible, getCachedRectX, getCachedRectY, getClippedRect, getProcessMouseEventHandler, getRegisteredTopLevelWindow, getScreenPoint, hover, hover, hover, hover, isDrag, isPointInObject, modifiersChanged, mouseMove, mouseMove, nClick, nClickDrag, nClickDragToScreenPoint, processHoverMouseEvent, processMouseEvent, scrollRectToVisible, setProcessMouseEventHandler, setTopLevelWindow
Methods inherited from class
addMappableChildrenToVector, addRecognitionProperty, allowProperty, childConstructed, getAddedRecognitionPropertyValue, getChildren, getIndexer, getIndexers, getMappableChildren, getMethods, getNonValueProperties, getOwnedObjects, getOwner, getProperty, getRecognitionProperties, getRecognitionPropertyWeight, getTestDataTypes, getTestDomain, getTopMappableParent, getTopParent, getUniqueId, getVisualClippableParent, hasAddedRecognitionProperties, isRecognitionProperty, setIndexer, setProperty
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.domain.ProxyTestObject
addDataDrivableCommands, baseClassMatch, canTakeVP, equals, findChildrenWithProperties, findChildrenWithPropertiesAndInvoke, getChannel, getChildren, getDataDrivableCommand, getDataDrivableCommands, getField, getIgnorableProperties, getMappableChildren, getMappableParent, getObjectCustomClassName, getOwnedObjects, getParent, getProxy, getScriptCommandAnchor, getTestData, getVisualMappableChildren, getVisualTopParent, getVOMSpecificProperty, hasSpecialFrameState, isClassIndexConsidered, isSameObject, isValidObject, ping, suppressKeyAction, updateTestData
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.sys.RegisteredObject
addProxyReference, dereference, getObject, getRegisteredId, getTransactionId, isReferenced, isReleaseRequired, register, registerTransiently, release, toString, unregister
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static com.rational.test.ft.util.FtDebug debug
Constructor Detail


public PopupMenuProxy(com.rational.test.ft.sys.graphical.Window popup,                       com.rational.test.ft.sys.graphical.Window parent,                       ProxyTestObject parentProxy)
This constructor defines the SUT object as a member variable for the proxy. All interactions with the supplied object are performed through this class.


public PopupMenuProxy(com.rational.test.ft.sys.graphical.Window popup)
This sole constructor for all proxy objects sets the SUT object as a member variable for the proxy. All interactions with the supplied object are performed through this class.

Method Detail


public java.util.Hashtable getProperties()
Description copied from class: ProxyTestObject
Returns a complete set of properties for the associated test object. The meaning of a property is specific to the test domain and the test object. Typically, this is a set of name/value pairs that describe the test object and its active state. Properties such as font, colors, and coordinate information are typically associated with a GUI test object. Associated data and state information can also be returned, depending on the test object.

This method does not return properties whose values are references to objects. The method ProxyTestObject.getNonValueProperties() returns information about such properties.

getProperties in class JavaProxy
The set of known properties associated with a test object.
See Also:
ProxyTestObject.getProperty(String), ProxyTestObject.setProperty(String,Object), ProxyTestObject.getStandardProperties(), ProxyTestObject.getNonValueProperties()


public java.util.Hashtable getStandardProperties()
For Java, the definition for standard properties is the same as getProperties().

getStandardProperties in class JavaProxy
null for popupmenu.
See Also:


public com.rational.test.ft.sys.graphical.Window getPopupWindow()


public java.lang.String getTestObjectClassName()
Set to null when the JPopupMenu is not interesting.

Specified by:
getTestObjectClassName in interface IProxyBase
getTestObjectClassName in class JavaGuiProxy
No test Object, or the default TestObject if determined to be interesting.


public ProxyTestObject getParent()
Returns a proxy object for the parent of this object. Returns null if this object has no parent.

Specified by:
getParent in class JavaGuiProxy
The proxy for the parent test object or null for a top level window.


public java.lang.Object getParentObject()
Returns an object for the parent of this object. Returns null if this object has no parent.

Specified by:
getParentObject in class JavaGuiProxy
The parent test object or null for a top level window.


public ProxyTestObject getMappableParent()
Returns a proxy object for the parent of this object. Returns null if this object has no parent.

Specified by:
getMappableParent in class JavaGuiProxy
The proxy for the parent test object or null for a top level window.


public java.lang.String getDescriptiveName()
Returns a name that can be used to describe the associated UI object in a script. This name may be further adjusted to be made unique to the script, but will act as the base for the name used in the script. Only characters used in Java identifiers should be returned (alphabetic, numeric or underscore characters). Non-identifier characters will cause script compilation failures. An example of what to return may be "OKButton" for a java.awt.Button with the text "OK" on it.

Specified by:
getDescriptiveName in class JavaGuiProxy
A descriptive object name.


public java.lang.String getObjectClassName()
Returns the class name of the associated object. For popup menus a pseudo name is returned to avoid confusing the popup window with the internal top level window.

getObjectClassName in class ProxyTestObject
Popup menu class name.


public java.lang.String getRole()
Returns TestObjectRole.ROLE_POPUP_MENU.

getRole in class JavaProxy
A brief type name that describes the role this object plays in the UI.


public boolean shouldBeMapped()
Returns true, by default all test objects are mapped. This method should be overriden by proxies that do not contain interesting persistent information. Objects that the script may want to interact with should always return true.

shouldBeMapped in class JavaGuiProxy
true, unless overriden in a super class.


public com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.ITopWindow getTopWindow()
All Gui Components must be inside of a top-level object. This method returns the TopWindow. Note that if this object is a top-level object, we return an interface to ourself.

getTopWindow in class JavaGuiProxy


public com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.ITopWindow getTopMappableWindow()
All Gui Components must be inside of a top-level object. This method returns the TopWindow. Note that if this object is a top-level object, we return an interface to ourself.

getTopMappableWindow in class JavaGuiProxy


public java.util.Enumeration getChildrenEnumeration()
Return an enumeration of mappable proxies for the children of this object.

Specified by:
getChildrenEnumeration in class JavaGuiProxy
The child proxies relative to this proxy.


public java.util.Enumeration getImmediateChildren()
Return an enumeration of proxies for the immediate children of this object.

Specified by:
getImmediateChildren in class JavaGuiProxy
The child proxies relative to this proxy.


public com.rational.test.ft.sys.MethodSpecification getMethodSpecForPoint(java.awt.Point pt)
Return a MethodSpecification for a method that returns a java.awt.Point for the specified coordinates. By default a method specification for IGraphical.getScreenPoint will be returned. However, if a proxy can find

getMethodSpecForPoint in class JavaGuiProxy
x - The screen relative x coordinate.
y - The screen relative y coordinate.
See Also:


public boolean isShowing()
Check the component under evaluation to determine if it is showing (as apposed to hidden).

Specified by:
isShowing in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphical
Specified by:
isShowing in class JavaGuiProxy
true if component is showing, else false.


public boolean isEnabled()
Check the component under evaluation to determine if it is enabled or disabled.

Specified by:
isEnabled in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphical
Specified by:
isEnabled in class JavaGuiProxy
true if component is enabled, else false.


public com.rational.test.ft.script.ScriptCommandFlags getScriptCommandFlags()
This method returns an active state value that reflects the state of the test object at the time of the call. The state includes values such as enabled and showing< and allow the find algorithm to wait until a required state has been achieved.

getScriptCommandFlags in class JavaGuiProxy
An object that reflects the active state of the represented test object.


public boolean isOpaque()
Check the component under evaluation to determine if it is opaque or transparent.

Specified by:
isOpaque in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphical
isOpaque in class JavaGuiProxy
true if component is opaque, else false.


public boolean hasFocus()
Check the component under evaluation to determine if it has keyboard focus.

Specified by:
hasFocus in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphical
Specified by:
hasFocus in class JavaGuiProxy
true if component has keyboard focus, else false.


public boolean isPointInObject(java.awt.Point pt)
Determines if the specified screen relative point is contained in the component under evaluation. Note that the point is relative to the top left corner of the screen, and not the component itself or its parent.

This functionality is performed by the proxy due to potentially unusual aspects associated with functionality. While typically the getScreenRectangle would be used to resolve this query, there are situations for which this is not accurate. For instance if the clickable region on a button were not rectangular just checking if the point is in the rectangle would not be valid.

Specified by:
isPointInObject in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphical
isPointInObject in class JavaGuiProxy
pt - Screen relative point to check.
true if component contains thePoint, else false.
See Also:


public java.lang.Object getChildAtPoint(java.awt.Point pt)
Finds the child object that is at the specified point. Note that the point is relative to the top left corner of the screen, and not the component itself or its parent.

If this object has no children, it should return null.

Specified by:
getChildAtPoint in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphical
getChildAtPoint in class JavaGuiProxy
pt - Screen relative point to check.
The object at the point or null if no child object is found.
See Also:


public java.awt.Point getScreenPoint(java.awt.Point pt)
Returns the screen relative point given an object relative point.

Specified by:
getScreenPoint in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphical
getScreenPoint in class JavaGuiProxy
pt - The Object relative point.
A screen relative point.


protected java.awt.Rectangle getActionRect()
Gets the screen relative rectangle and throws an invalid action exception if the rect is not valid.

getActionRect in class JavaGuiProxy
The adjusted rectangle surrounding component relative to the screen.


protected void activateTopWindow()
Overlocad the inherited implementation to NEVER attempt to activate the menu popup window (it just goes away when activated).

activateTopWindow in class JavaGuiProxy


public void processSingleMouseEvent(IMouseActionInfo action)
Return a MethodSpecification for the specified mouse event. This is the primary record interface for mouse events against a particular control.

processSingleMouseEvent in class JavaGuiProxy
action - The event cache and other mouse state information for this mouse action.
See Also:


public java.awt.Rectangle getScreenRectangle()
Returns the rectangle that contains the component being evaluated relative to the top left corner of the screen. This will commonly be two operations (getLocationOnScreen and getSize) combined into a single operation.

Specified by:
getScreenRectangle in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphical
Specified by:
getScreenRectangle in class JavaGuiProxy
The adjusted rectangle surrounding component relative to the screen.
See Also:
IGraphical.isPointInObject(java.awt.Point), IGraphical.getClippedScreenRectangle()


public java.awt.Rectangle getClippedScreenRectangle()
Description copied from interface: com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphical
Returns the clipped-screen rectangle for the associated TestObject

Specified by:
getClippedScreenRectangle in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphical
getClippedScreenRectangle in class JavaGuiProxy
java.awt.Rectangle - The clipped screen rectangle, or null if the object cannot be seen in any window on the screen.
See Also:


public java.awt.Rectangle getVisualClippedRectangle()
The optimized way to obtain the ClippedRectangle.

getVisualClippedRectangle in class ProxyTestObject
The ClippedScreen Rectangle of the control


public java.awt.Rectangle getScreenRectangle(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
Returns the rectangle that contains the component being evaluated relative to the top left corner of the screen. This will commonly be two operations (getScreenRectangle for the parent object and then adjusting for the specified subitem) combined into a single operation. The rectangle is exposed so that actions may be directly scripted against a visible subitem. null is returned if the subitem is not showing.

Specified by:
getScreenRectangle in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem
The adjusted rectangle surrounding subitem relative to the screen. null is returned if the subitem is not showing.


public java.awt.Point getScreenPoint(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
Returns the screen relative point to the center of the supplied subitem.

Specified by:
getScreenPoint in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem
subitem - The subitem the resultant screen point is relative to.
A screen relative point.


public java.awt.Point getScreenPoint(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                                      java.awt.Point pt)
Returns the screen relative point given a subitem and a subitem relative point.

Specified by:
getScreenPoint in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem
subitem - The subitem the resultant screen point is relative to.
pt - The subitem relative point.
A screen relative point.


public java.lang.Object getSubitem(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
Returns an object that represents the specified subitem in the associated test object. SubitemNotFoundException will be thrown if the specified subitem is invalid relative to the associated test object. null may be returned if the subitem does not have an object association that can be returned.

Specified by:
getSubitem in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem
subitem - The subitem to fetch an object for.
An object representation of the subitem.


public void click(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
Left mouse click on the center point of the associated subitem. This method is a simple shortcut to the click method with a modifier parameter (modifier set to MOUSE_LEFT).

Specified by:
click in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void click(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                   com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
Perform a mouse click action at the specified object relative coordinates within the associated TestObject.

Specified by:
click in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void click(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                   java.awt.Point pt)
Left mouse click on the specified coordinates relative to the associated TestObject. This method is a simple shortcut to the click method with a modifier parameter and coordinates (modifier set to MOUSE_LEFT).

Specified by:
click in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void click(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                   com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                   java.awt.Point pt)
Perform a mouse click action on the specified coordinates relative to the associated TestObject.

Specified by:
click in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void doubleClick(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
Left mouse dbl-click on the center point of the associated TestObject. This method is a simple shortcut to the dbl-click method with a modifier parameter (modifier set to MOUSE_LEFT).

Specified by:
doubleClick in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void doubleClick(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                         com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
Perform a mouse dbl-click action at the specified object relative coordinates within the associated TestObject.

Specified by:
doubleClick in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void doubleClick(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                         java.awt.Point pt)
Left mouse dbl-click on the specified coordinates relative to the associated TestObject. This method is a simple shortcut to the dbl-click method with a modifier parameter and coordinates (modifier set to MOUSE_LEFT).

Specified by:
doubleClick in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void doubleClick(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                         com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                         java.awt.Point pt)
Perform a mouse dbl-click action on the specified coordinates relative to the associated TestObject.

Specified by:
doubleClick in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void nClick(int clickCount,                    com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                    com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                    java.awt.Point pt)
Perform a mouse n-click action on the specified coordinates relative to the associated TestObject.

Specified by:
nClick in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void drag(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
Perform a MOUSE_LEFT drag action against the associated TestObject. This method is used to simulate drag actions against controls that are typically not sensitive to drag actions.

Specified by:
drag in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void drag(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                  com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
Perform a drag action against the associated TestObject with the supplied set of mouse modifiers. This method is used to simulate drag actions against controls that are typically not sensitive to drag actions.

Specified by:
drag in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void drag(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem1,                  com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem2)
Perform a MOUSE_LEFT drag action against the associated TestObject. The action is performed from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) coordinates relative to this TestObject.

Specified by:
drag in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void drag(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                  com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem1,                  com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem2)
Perform a drag action against the associated TestObject. The action is performed from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) coordinates relative to this TestObject.

Specified by:
drag in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void drag(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem1,                  java.awt.Point pt1,                  com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem2,                  java.awt.Point pt2)
Perform a MOUSE_LEFT drag action against the associated TestObject. The action is performed from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) coordinates relative to this TestObject.

Specified by:
drag in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void drag(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                  com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem1,                  java.awt.Point pt1,                  com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem2,                  java.awt.Point pt2)
Perform a drag action against the associated TestObject. The action is performed from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) coordinates relative to this TestObject.

Specified by:
drag in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void nClickDrag(int clickCount,                        com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                        com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem1,                        com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem2)
Perform a mouse n-click drag action on the specified coordinates relative to the associated TestObject.

Specified by:
nClickDrag in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void nClickDrag(int clickCount,                        com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                        com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem1,                        java.awt.Point pt1,                        com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem2,                        java.awt.Point pt2)
Perform a mouse n-click drag action on the specified coordinates relative to the associated TestObject.

Specified by:
nClickDrag in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void dragToScreenPoint(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                               java.awt.Point screenPt)
Perform a MOUSE_LEFT drag action against the associated TestObject. The action is performed from (x, y) relative to this TestObject to the screen relative screenPt coordinates.

Specified by:
dragToScreenPoint in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void dragToScreenPoint(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                               com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                               java.awt.Point screenPt)
Perform a drag action against the associated TestObject. The action is performed from (x, y) relative to this TestObject to the screen relative screenPt coordinates.

Specified by:
dragToScreenPoint in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void dragToScreenPoint(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                               java.awt.Point subitemPt,                               java.awt.Point screenPt)
Perform a MOUSE_LEFT drag action against the associated TestObject. The action is performed from (x, y) relative to this TestObject to the screen relative screenPt coordinates.

Specified by:
dragToScreenPoint in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void dragToScreenPoint(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                               com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                               java.awt.Point subitemPt,                               java.awt.Point screenPt)
Perform a drag action against the associated TestObject. The action is performed from (x, y) relative to this TestObject to the screen relative screenPt coordinates.

Specified by:
dragToScreenPoint in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void nClickDragToScreenPoint(int clickCount,                                     com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                                     com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                                     java.awt.Point screenPt)
Perform a mouse n-click drag action on the specified coordinates relative the screen relative screenPt coordinates.

Specified by:
nClickDragToScreenPoint in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void nClickDragToScreenPoint(int clickCount,                                     com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                                     com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                                     java.awt.Point subitemPt,                                     java.awt.Point screenPt)
Perform a mouse n-click drag action on the specified coordinates relative the screen relative screenPt coordinates.

Specified by:
nClickDragToScreenPoint in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void mouseMove(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
Perform a MOUSE_LEFT move action against the associated TestObject. The action is performed from current mouse coordinates to (x, y) coordinates relative to this TestObject.

Specified by:
mouseMove in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void mouseMove(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                       java.awt.Point subitemPt)
Perform a MOUSE_LEFT move action against the associated TestObject. The action is performed from current mouse coordinates to (x, y) coordinates relative to this TestObject.

Specified by:
mouseMove in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void mouseMove(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                       com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
Perform a move action against the associated TestObject. The action is performed from current mouse coordinates to (x, y) coordinates relative to this TestObject.

Specified by:
mouseMove in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void mouseMove(com.rational.test.ft.script.MouseModifiers modifiers,                       com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                       java.awt.Point pt)
Perform a move action against the associated TestObject. The action is performed from current mouse coordinates to (x, y) coordinates relative to this TestObject.

Specified by:
mouseMove in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void hover(double secondDelay,                   com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
Hover the mouse over the center of the specified subitem. The mouse is moved to the center of the subitem and stays there for at least the specified number of seconds.

Specified by:
hover in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void hover(double secondDelay,                   com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                   java.awt.Point pt)
Hover the mouse over the specified coordinates relative to the specified subitem. The mouse is moved to the subitem relative coordinates and stays there for at least the specified number of seconds.

Specified by:
hover in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void hover(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem)
Hover the mouse over the center of the specified subitem. The mouse is moved to the center of the subitem and stays there for at least the default amount of time.

Specified by:
hover in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem


public void hover(com.rational.test.ft.script.Subitem subitem,                   java.awt.Point pt)
Hover the mouse over the specified coordinates relative to the specified subitem. The mouse is moved to the subitem relative coordinates and stays there for at least the default amount of time.

Specified by:
hover in interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphicalSubitem