Class WpfTextGuiSubitemTestObject
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- IGraphical, ISubitem, IText, IWpfGraphical, IWpfGraphicalSubitem
public class WpfTextGuiSubitemTestObject
- extends WpfGuiSubitemTestObject
- implements IWpfGraphical, IText
Fields inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.TestObject |
ref |
Method Summary |
java.lang.String |
Allows direct access to the text property on the control. |
void |
setText(java.lang.String text)
Directly modifies the text on the control. |
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.WPF.WpfStatelessGuiSubitemTestObject |
click, click, click, click, click, click, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, drag, drag, drag, drag, drag, drag, drag, drag, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, getScreenPoint, getScreenPoint, getScreenPoint, getScreenRectangle, getSubitem, hover, hover, hover, hover, hover, hover, mouseMove, mouseMove, mouseMove, mouseMove, mouseMove, mouseMove, nClick, nClick, nClickDrag, nClickDrag, nClickDrag, nClickDragToScreenPoint, nClickDragToScreenPoint, nClickDragToScreenPoint, nClickDragToScreenPoint |
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.WPF.WpfGuiTestObject |
click, click, doubleClick, doubleClick, drag, drag, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, getChildAtPoint, getScreenPoint, hover, hover, isPointInObject, mouseMove, mouseMove, nClick, nClickDrag, nClickDragToScreenPoint, nClickDragToScreenPoint |
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.GuiTestObject |
canTakeVP, click, click, click, click, clickRadio, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, drag, drag, drag, drag, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, ensureObjectIsVisible, getChildAtPoint, getClippedScreenRectangle, getImage, getImage, getScreenPoint, getScreenPoint, getScreenRectangle, getScreenSnapshot, getVisibleArea, hasFocus, hover, hover, hover, hover, invokeProxyWithGuiDelay, invokeProxyWithGuiDelay, isEnabled, isOpaque, isPointInObject, isShowing, mouseMove, mouseMove, nClick, nClickDrag, nClickDragToScreenPoint |
Methods inherited from class com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.TestObject |
compare, compare, compareAndLog, compareAndLog, equals, find, findAndInvoke, getActualData, getChildren, getDescribedObject, getDescribedObjects, getDescriptiveName, getDomain, getField, getIndexer, getIndexer, getIndexers, getMappableChildren, getMappableParent, getMapProperties, getMethods, getNameInScript, getNonValueProperties, getObjectClassName, getObjectCustomClassName, getObjectReference, getOwnedObjects, getOwner, getParent, getProcess, getProperties, getProperty, getPropertyFromMap, getRecognitionProperties, getRecognitionPropertyWeight, getScriptCommandFlags, getStandardProperties, getTestData, getTestDataTypes, getTopMappableParent, getTopParent, hashCode, invoke, invokeProxy, isMappedObject, isSameObject, isScreenTestObject, isTopLevelTestObject, performTest, performTest, performTest, performTest, setIndexer, setIndexer, setMapProperties, setProperty, toString, updateTestData, waitForExistence |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait |
Methods inherited from interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.WPF.IWpfGraphical |
click, click, doubleClick, doubleClick, drag, drag, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, getChildAtPoint, getScreenPoint, hover, hover, isPointInObject, mouseMove, mouseMove, nClick, nClickDrag, nClickDragToScreenPoint |
Methods inherited from interface com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.IGraphical |
click, click, click, click, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, doubleClick, drag, drag, drag, drag, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, dragToScreenPoint, getChildAtPoint, getClippedScreenRectangle, getScreenPoint, getScreenPoint, getScreenRectangle, hasFocus, hover, hover, hover, hover, isEnabled, isOpaque, isPointInObject, isShowing, mouseMove, mouseMove, nClick, nClickDrag, nClickDragToScreenPoint |
public WpfTextGuiSubitemTestObject( mappedObject)
- For internal use.
- Since:
- RFT8.0
public WpfTextGuiSubitemTestObject( mappedObject, TestObject anchor)
- For internal use.
- Since:
- RFT8.0
public WpfTextGuiSubitemTestObject( mappedObject, TestObject anchor, long scriptCommandFlags)
- For internal use.
- Since:
- RFT8.0
public WpfTextGuiSubitemTestObject(com.rational.test.ft.object.TestObjectReference ref)
- For internal use.
- Since:
- RFT8.0
public WpfTextGuiSubitemTestObject(TestObject obj)
- Constructs one
from another TestObject
Both are references to the same object.
- Parameters:
- - Since:
- RFT8.0
public java.lang.String getText()
- Allows direct access to the text property on the control.
- Specified by:
in interface IText
- Returns:
- String - The active text in the control.
- Since:
- RFT8.0
public void setText(java.lang.String text)
- Directly modifies the text on the control. Any existing text
in the control is replaced with the specified text value. This command will attempt to playback this action from the class when possible.
- Specified by:
in interface IText
- Parameters:
- - The text to update the control with.- Since:
- RFT8.0