Set up the test environment for testing Flex applications

A correct environment setup for testing Flex applications helps ensure reliable functional testing results. The test environment is typically set up by the testers on the test computer.

To set up the test environment:


  1. Check the settings of the browser:

    1. Internet Explorer:

      1. Open Internet Explorer.

      2. Click Tools > Internet Options.

      3. Click the Security tab.

      4. Select the appropriate Web content zone. Do one of the following steps:

        • If the Web server is configured on a remote machine, complete these steps:

          1. Select Local Intranet.

          2. Click Sites > Advanced .

          3. In the Add this Web site to the zone field, type the URL to add to the Web server.

          4. Click Add, and then click OK.

        • If the Web server is configured on local host, complete these steps:

          1. Select Local Intranet.

          2. Click Custom Level.

          3. In the Reset to list, select Medium-low.

          4. In the Settings pane, click Enable for Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe.

          5. Click OK.

    2. Firefox:

      1. Click Tools > Options > Content.

      2. Clear the Block pop-up windows check box.

      3. Click Tools > Options > Security.

      4. Clear the Warn me when sites try to install add-ons check box.

  2. Open IBM Rational Functional Tester, and click Configure > Enable Environments for Testing. You must enable the required JRE and set Internet Explorer as the default Web browser.

  3. Enable the required browser on the Web Browsers page.

  4. Make the application under test trusted to run the application locally. Paths to individual files or directories can be trusted, rendering all the files in each selected directory and any of its subdirectories trusted. Follow these steps to assign trust designations:

    1. Create a folder FlashPlayerTrust in C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash.

    2. Create a file named Flex without any file extension in the FlashPlayerTrust folder.

    3. Type the directory path of the Flex application in the Flex file. For example, if the Flex application is in C:\Test directory, type the path in the Flex file as C:\Test.

    4. Save the file.

    For more information about setting the security configuration, see Adobe Web site.

Related concepts

Flex support

Flex applications testing process

Test Rational Functional Tester enabled Flex applications

Test Flex applications that are not enabled using Rational Functional Tester

Security Settings for Adobe Flex 4.0


  1. Access Settings Manager for your Flash Player.

  2. Open an application in Flash Player.

  3. Right-click and select Settings.

  4. Select the Privacy tab.

  5. Click Advanced. Adobe Flash Player launches a new browser window and loads the Settings Manager help page.

  6. Click Global Security Settings panel link. The Global Security Settings window opens.

  7. Add your application directory into secured or trusted directory. In the Always trust files in these locations drop down menu, click Add location. Browse for the location.

    For more information about setting the security configuration, see Adobe Web site.


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