Setting functional test preferences

You use the Preferences dialog box to customize Functional Tester in a number of different areas, such as settings for  time options; colors for the Verification Point Editor, the Verification Point Comparator, and the Object Map Editor; highlight color for test objects; operating system; playback; delays; log; playback monitor; ScriptAssure(TM); recorder;  recording monitor; and the workbench.

To change Functional Tester preferences for the current Functional Tester user:


  1. From the Functional Tester menu, click Window > Preferences.

  2. In the Preferences dialog box, in the left pane, expand Functional Test.

  3. Select the appropriate preferences page for the options you want to change.

  4. Change the options.

    In some cases, you might want to clear the Use Default field to edit the option.

  5. Click Apply to save the new setting and continue changing options or click OK to save the new setting and close the Preferences dialog box.

Related tasks

Setting ClearCase preferences for Functional Tester

Related reference

Functional Tester page

Preferences dialog box


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