Functional Tester page

You use the General Rational Functional Tester page to set all Functional Tester time options. These options are useful to accommodate different computer speeds.

The Functional Tester page has the following controls:

Multiply all time options by: -- Enter any real number by which you want to multiply all Functional Tester preferences or options that take an amount of time as an argument. For example, enter .5 to make all Functional Tester time options twice as fast. This option affects all the following controls:

General Playback

Maximum time to attempt to find Test Object

Pause between attempts to find Test Object

Timeout used in waitForExistence( ) method

Retry timeout used in waitForExistence( ) loop


Delay before mouse up

Delay before mouse move

Delay before mouse down

Delay before key up

Delay when hover

Delay after top level window activates

Delay before key down

Delay before performing Test Object action

General Recorder

Delay before recording a mouse action

Delay before recording a keystroke

Use Default

Clear this check box to edit the value in the Multiply all time options by field. Select this check box to restore the default value.

Restore Defaults

Restore the default values on this page.


Save your changes without closing the dialog box.

To open: Click Window > Preferences. In the left pane, click Functional Test.

Related tasks

Setting functional test preferences


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