Object map property placeholders

The object map property placeholders resolve object map placeholder values into property values. They also resolve default placeholder values.

Usage: Use the following placeholders to customize the following script templates:

map placeholder

Description: Resolves values relative to an entry in the object map. The map placeholder is only valid during helper script method generation and during recording to insert comments into the script, otherwise the test object instance is not known.

Syntax: %map: property%

Functional properties for the map placeholder:

context -- Returns the descriptive name of the closest parent registered in the Object Library as having context.

contextComment -- Returns the resolved context comment registered in the Object Library for the closest parent with context.

topContext -- Returns the descriptive name of the topmost parent unless this object does not have a parent.

topContextComment -- Returns the resolved context comment registered in the Object Library for the topmost parent.


%map:context% -- Returns the descriptive name of the closest parent registered in the Object Library as having context.

The recognition property for the map placeholder returns the property name.

Syntax: %map: RecognitionProperty%

Administrative properties for the map placeholder:

.class -- Returns the Java class name, the HTML tag (with an HTML prefix), or the VB class name of the test object.

#name -- Returns the test objects descriptive name.

#role -- Returns the test object role.

#domain -- Returns the domain in which the test object is defined, that is, Java, HTML, or .NET.

#testobject -- Returns the interface class name used to interact with the test object.

#proxy -- Returns the proxy class name.

#description -- Returns a user-specified description, defined in the object map editor.


%map:.class% -- Returns the Java class name, the HTML tag (with an HTML prefix), or the VB class name of the test object.

%map:#domain% -- Returns the domain in which the test object is defined, that is, Java, HTML, or VB.

Related concepts

Customizing script templates


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