Customizing script templates
You can customize the default script templates that Functional Tester uses to format and provide basic information when you create a script.
To customize a script template, use the Functional Tester Script Templates Property Page. In Functional Tester, Java Scripting, you can also use the Java editor, which provides simple formatting of the template and help with the Java syntax. In Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting, you can use the Code editor.
Several types of script templates are available:
Script: Header of the file -- Customizes the layout of new script files.
Script: Comment for Test Object -- Customizes a test object comment line inserted into a script by the recorder.
Script: Comment for top level Test Object -- Customizes a top-level test object comment line inserted into a script by the recorder.
Script: HTML Test Object Name -- Customizes the names of HTML test objects in a script.
Script: Java Test Object Name -- Customizes the names of Java test objects in a script.
Script: .Net Test Object Name -- In Functional Tester, Java Scripting, customizes the names of .NET test objects in a script.
Script: Windows Test Object Name -- In Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting, customizes the names of Windows test objects in a script.
VP: Verification Point Default Name -- Customizes the names of verification points that Functional Tester generates by default in the Verification Point and Action Wizard.
Script Helper: Header of the file -- Customizes the layout of a helper class when auto-generated.
Script Helper: Test Object Method -- Customizes the layout of test object methods in the helper class.
Script Helper: Verification Point Method -- Customizes the layout of verification point methods in the helper class.
Script Helper Superclass -- -- Customizes the layout of the script helper superclass.
You use placeholders in the script template to include information in each script that you generate. There are five types of placeholders:
- Default placeholders -- Available for any of the script templates.
- Script placeholders -- Use in the following types of script templates:
- Script: Header of the file
- Script Helper: Header of the file
- Script Helper: Test Object Method
- Script Helper: Verification Point Method
- VP placeholders-- Use in the VP: Verification Point Default Name script template.
- Object Map Property placeholders -- Use in the following types of script templates:
- Script: Comment for Test Object
- Script: Comment for top level Test Object
- Script: HTML Test Object Name
- Script: Java Test Object Name
- Script: .Net Test Object Name
- Script: Windows Test Object Name
- Script Helper Super Class placeholders-- Use in the Script Helper Parent: Header of the file template.
The following table lists the placeholders available for each script template:
Script Template Placeholder Script: Header of the file Default Placeholders and Script Placeholders Script: Comment for Test Object Default Placeholders and Object Map Property Placeholders Script: Comment for top level Test Object Default Placeholders and Object Map Property Placeholders Script: HTML Test Object Name Default Placeholders and Object Map Property Placeholders Script: .Net Test Object Name (Functional Tester, Java Scripting only) Default Placeholders and Object Map Property Placeholders Script: .Net and Windows Test Object Name (Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting only) Default Placeholders and Object Map Property Placeholders Script: Java Test Object Name Default Placeholders and Object Map Property Placeholders VP: Verification Point Default Name Default Placeholders, VP Placeholders, and Test Object Placeholders Script Helper: Header of the file Default Placeholders and Script Placeholders Script Helper: Test Object Method Default Placeholders and Script Placeholders Script Helper: Verification Point Method Default Placeholders and Script Placeholders Script Helper Parent: Header of the File (Functional Tester, Java Scripting only) Default Placeholders and Script Helper Super Class Placeholders To omit associated punctuation for any null properties, enclose the placeholder in pairs of carets (^). Functional Tester removes everything between the carets if the placeholder does not resolve to a valid value. For example, the underscore separator is removed if the #name property is null:
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