Developing Java classes with the visual editor

You can use the visual editor to visually compose and preview Java classes using SWT, Swing, and AWT components.

Using the visual editor, you can add Java beans, or components, from different palettes, manipulate them in the Design view, and edit the properties in the Properties view. The visual editor also includes a Source view where you can see and modify the generated Java code. You can make changes in either the Source view or in the Design view.

Opening an existing Java class in the visual editor
If the visual editor for Java is not the default editor for .java files, you can still open Java classes in the visual editor.

Creating a new Java visual class
You can use the New Java Visual Class wizard to quickly create a Java visual class for use within the visual editor for Java.

Adding a component to a class
You can use the palette or the choose component dialog to add components to your Java class.

Reordering components in a class
The Java Beans view displays components in the order in which they are added to their parent. You can use the Java Beans view to change this order.

Deleting components from a class
You can use the visual editor to quickly delete a component from a Java class.

Resizing visual components
In most cases, if a component's container does not control the size of the component, you can use the selection handles to resize visual components, or you can change the size in the Properties view.

Changing component properties
You can change properties for a component by using the Properties view.

Laying out components using the visual editor
Use the visual editor for Java to visually arrange and lay out visual components in your Java application.

Working with Swing in the visual editor
The visual editor for Java gives you visual control in working with Swing components. You can also customize the Swing look and feel.

Working with SWT in the visual editor
The visual editor helps you develop applications using Standard Widgets Toolkit (SWT).

Handling events with the visual editor
The Java Beans view helps you to work with events for your visual application.

Externalizing text strings with the visual editor
If you are writing an application that will be deployed for use in different languages, any text that is visible to the user needs to be translated.

Dragging and dropping with the keyboard in the visual editor
You can use the keyboard to drop a component from the palette onto the Design view.


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Editing Java in the visual editor