Opening an existing Java class in the visual editor

If the visual editor for Java is not the default editor for .java files, you can still open Java classes in the visual editor.

To open an existing class in the visual editor:

  1. In the Package Explorer view of the Java perspective, select the .java source file for the class that you want to edit in the visual editor.

  2. Do one of the following steps:

    • If the visual editor is not the default editor for .java files, right-click and select Open With > Visual Editor from the pop-up menu.

    • If the visual editor is the default editor for .java files, double-click the file.

The visual editor introspects the code to determine the elements that can be visualized and the properties for the Java beans. The visual editor then displays the class in the Design view, the Java beans view, and the Properties view based on its introspection.


Parent topic

Developing Java classes with the visual editor


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Creating a new Java visual class