Swing and AWT layout managers
You can work with Swing and AWT layout managers with the visual editor for Java.
See the following topics for more information:
Using BorderLayout
The visual editor provides visual cues for helping you work with the Swing BorderLayout.Using GridBag layout
You can use the AWT GridBag layout with Swing and AWT containers to arrange components using a powerful and flexible grid arrangement.Using GridLayout (AWT)
You can use the visual editor for Java to layout a class using GridLayout.Using BoxLayout
You can use the visual editor to layout Swing components using BoxLayout on the X or Y axis.Using CardLayout
The CardLayout layout manager arranges components in a stack, like a stack of cards.Using FlowLayout
The FlowLayout layout manager arranges components in a left-to-right flow, with wrapping lines. The advantages of the flow layout manager include its ease of use, and the guarantee that each component can be seen.
Parent topic
Laying out components using the visual editor
Related concepts
Layout managers and containers
SWT layout managers
Related tasks
Specifying a layout manager