Disconnecting a project from CVS

Disconnect a project from CVS to disable the CVS operations that can be performed on the project and it resources and optionally to remove the CVS information (stored in the CVS folders) associated with the project.

To disconnect a project from CVS:

  1. In the Navigator view, select the project to be disconnected.
  2. Select Team > Disconnect from the project's pop-up menu. The Confirm Disconnect from CVS dialog opens.
  3. In the dialog, choose one of:

    1. Delete the CVS meta information - disables the CVS team menu operations and removes the CVS folders and their contents from the file system.
    2. Do not delete the CVS meta information - disables the CVS team menu operations but leaves the CVS meta information.
  4. Click Yes to disconnect the project.

Related concepts
Team programming with CVS
Synchronizing with a CVS repository

Related tasks
Checking out a project from the CVS repository
Replacing resources in the Workbench
Synchronizing with the repository
Resolving conflicts
Merging from a branch

Related reference