Checking out a project from a CVS repository
Projects can be checked out from a CVS repository into the Workbench using
the Checkout wizard or from the CVS Repositories view.
Checking out using the Checkout Wizard
It is available from the Import menu, the New > Project menu and the toolbar
of the CVS Repository Exploring perspective. It is also opened when performing
a Checkout As from the CVS Repositories view.
- Launch the Checkout wizard. It is available from the Import
menu, the New > Project menu and the toolbar of the CVS
Repository Exploring perspective. It is also opened when performing a Checkout
As from the CVS Repositories view. (Note: If the CVS capability
is disabled, the Checkout wizard may only be available from the Import
- Select the desired repository from the list of known repositories or, if
the desired repository is not in this list, choose to create a new repository
location and click Next.
- If entering a new repository location, enter the repository information
and click Next when completed. (Note: this page is the same
format as the Creating a CVS repository location
- Either select one or more modules from the list of existing modules or type
in the name of the module to be checked out. Entering a name is supported
tfor those situations where obtaining the list of exisiting modules from the
server is impractical or unsupported. You can also enter a dot (.) as the
module name if the repository is configured to host a single project at its
root. Click Next when the module or modules to be checked
out are specified.
- (Optional) Choose whether to check out one or more selected modules as a
new projects or into an existing project or folder. If one module is selected
and it does not contain a .project file (the Workbench project configuration
file), you will also have the option to configure the project using the New
Project wizard (in order to make the project a Java project, for instance).
Click Next.
- (Optional) For a single project, you can configure the location of the project
to be either the default location or a custom location outside the workspace.
For multiple projects, you can configure the parent folder where all the projects
should be located. Click Next.
- (Optional) Select the tag to check out from and click Finish.
Checking out from the CVS Repositories view
To check out a project from the CVS repositories view to the Workbench:
- Switch to the CVS Repository Exploring perspective or add the CVS Repositories
view to the current perspective.
- In the CVS Repositories view, expand the repository location.
- Expand HEAD and select the folders that you want to add as projects
to the Workbench. If you are looking for a folder in a particular version:
- Expand the Versions category and find the folder name
that you want to add to the Workbench.
- Expand the folder to reveal its versions.
If you are looking for the latest folder in a branch:
- Expand the Branches category.
- Expand the branch that holds the folder that you want to add to the
- From the pop-up menu for the selected folders, select one of the following:
- Check Out to check out each of the selected folders as a project
in the local workspace with the same name as the folder in the repository.
- Check Out As... to check out the selected folders into a custom
configured project in the local workspace. Note: When multiple
folders are selected, this operations only allows the specification of
a custom parent location for the new projects.
- If Check Out As... was chosen on a single project, one of two possible
dialogs is displayed depending on whether the folder in the repository contains
a .project file or not.
- If there is a .project file, the dialog will accept a custom project
name and location.
- Otherwise, the dialog will be the New Project wizard which allows full
customization of the project (e.g. Java project).
Tip: Any folder, including non-root folders, can be checked out from
a CVS repository.

Team programming with CVS
CVS Repositories

Checking out a module from a CVS repository
Checking out a folder into an existing project
Creating a CVS repository location
Replacing resources in the Workbench
Discovering branch and version tags
Sharing a new project using CVS
Synchronizing with the repository

CVS Repositories view
CVS Checkout wizard