Adding new Ant tasks and types

Add new Ant tasks and types through the Ant preferences page. These tasks and types will be available for buildfiles running in the Workbench without, having to use taskdef or typedef in the script declaration (For more on taskdef or typedef see the Ant documentation in

To add a new task or type:

  1. Click Window > Preferences
  2. Expand Ant and select Runtime.
  3. Click the Tasks tab or the Types tab.
  4. Click Add Task or Add Type.
  5. Provide a name and class for the task or type.
  6. Select the library where the task or type is declared. If the library is not present on the list, add it to the Ant classpath (see the Related task link below).

Related concepts
Ant Support
External tools

Related tasks
Running external tools
Modifying the Ant classpath
Using a different version of Ant