Replacing a resource with local history

To replace a Workbench resource with a state in the local history:

  1. In the Navigator view, select the resource that you want to replace with a local history state.
  2. From the resources pop-up menu, select Replace with > Local History. The Replace from Local History page opens.
  3. Select a state from the Local History list. The Text Compare editor opens.
  4. Click the Select Next Change and Select Previous Change buttons to browse through the changes made between states in the local history and the Workbench resource.
  5. Select the state you want to replace, and click Replace.

Tip: You can configure your Workbench preferences to specify how many days to keep files, or how many entries per file you want to keep, or the maximum file size for files to be kept. Select Window > Preferences > Workbench > Local History.

Related concepts
Local history

Related tasks
Comparing resources with the local history
Restoring deleted resources from the local history
Setting local history preferences