CVS Workspace Synchronization

CVS workspace synchronizations launched using the Team > Synchronize menu command or the Synchronize toolbar command in the Team Perspective will appear in the Synchronize view. This view allows you to inspect the differences between the local Workbench resources and their remote counterparts as well as update resources in the Workbench and commit resources from the Workbench to a repository.

Here is what the CVS Workspace Synchronization in the Synchronize view looks like:

CVS Workspace Synchronization



The following is a brief summary of some of the features of the synchronize view.

Synchronization state

The synchronize view shows the synchronization state of resources in your workspace compared to those in the repository. This state is shown by using icons and can also be configured to show the state as text appended to the resource name. A description of the icons is shown in the table below:

Incoming addition icon

An incoming addition means that a resource has been added to the repository. Updating will transfer the resource to your workspace.

Incoming change icon

An incoming change means that the file has changed in the repository. Updating will transfer the new file revision to your workspace.

Incoming deletion icon

An incoming deletion means that a resource was deleted from the server. Updating will delete your local resource.

Outgoing addition icon

An outgoing addition means that the file was added to your workspace and is not yet in the repository. Adding then Committing will transfer the new file to the repository.

Outgoing change icon

An outgoing change means that the file was change locally. Committing the file will transfer the changes to the repository and create a new revision of the file.

Outgoing deletion icon

An outgoing deletion is a resource that has been deleted locally. Committing these resources will cause the remote resource to be deleted. Note: in CVS directories are never really deleted from the repository. Instead, files are deleted and empty directories are pruned from your workspace.

Conflicting addition icon

A conflicting additions means that the resource has been added locally and remotely.

Conflicting change icon

A conflicting change means that the file has been changed locally and remotely. A manual or automatic merge will be required by the user. Also, any entries in the view that contain children that are conflicts will also be decorated with the comflict icon. This is done to make conflicts easy to find.

Conflicting deletion icon

A conflicting deletion means that the resource was deleted locally and remotely.



The Synchronize view can be filtered using modes using either the toolbar actions or the menu items in the view's drop down menu. Modes can be used to show only incoming, outgoing or conflicting changes. The advantages to modes are:

Important: It is preferable to update resources in the Workbench first, resolve any conflicts that exist by merging, then commit Workbench resources to the repository.



There are three options for Synchronize view layout for CVS: Tree, Compressed Folders and Commit Set.



The Synchronize view provides toolbar actions for navigating through the changes in the view. This actions not only navigate between files but also go from change to change within a file.


Update and Commit Operations

There are several flavous of update and commit operations available in the Synchronize view. You can perform the standard update and commit operation on all visible applicable changes or a selected subset. You can also choose to override and update, thus ignoring any local changes, or override and commit, thus making the remote resource match the contents of the local resource. You can also choose to clean the timestamps for files that have been modified locally (perhaps by an external build tool) but whose contents match that of the server.


Conflict Handling

When dealing with conflicts, you can first perform an update and any conflicting changes The update operation will correctly update conflicts that are auto-mergable (i.e. files content changes do not overlap) but will skip files that contain changes that overlap. Alternatively, conflicts can be handled using a Compare editor. A Compare editor can be opened by double-clicking (or single-clicking if you have change your open strategy in the Workbench preferences) on the conflict or by choosing Open in Compare Editor from the context menu. The Compare editor allows you to manually resolve the conflicts in the file. Once completed, perform a Mark as Merged on the conflict to indicate that you are done. This will change the conflict into an outgoing change.


Problem Markers

The Synchronize view will show error or warning problem markers on any change that appears in the view or any folder or project that appears in the view that contains a resource that has such a problem marker. This is done to prevent resources with problems from getting committed to the repository.





This command allows you to repeat the current synchronization which refetches the remote state of the resources. The drop down of the toolbar item allows you to select other existing synchronizations or create new ones using the Synchronize... menu command.


Pin Current Synchronization

This command allows you to pin or unpin the current synchronization. Pinned synchronizations will not be replaced by the next synchronization of the same type while unpinned synchronizations will be replaced. This allows you to keep a synchronization around for easy access. Such a synchronization will automatically update when changes to Workbench resources take place and can be configured to perform scheduled refreshes in order to keep up-to-date with the remote state of the resources.


Go to Next Difference

This command will go to the next difference displayed by the view. All the differences within a single file will be visited before opening the next file in the view.


Go to Previous Difference

This command will go to the previous difference displayed by the view. All the differences within a single file will be visited before opening the previous file in the view.


Collapse All

Collapse all the expanded entries in the view.


Incoming Mode

In this mode, only resources which have been changed in the repository since they were last loaded or synchronized with those in the Workbench (incoming changes) are visible.


Outgoing Mode

In this mode, only resources which have been modified in the Workbench (outgoing changes) are visible.


Incoming/Outgoing Mode

In this mode both incoming and outgoing changes are shown, and you can both update and commit. The advantage to using this dual mode is you can do either task as you choose. The disadvantage is that performing a simultaneous bi-directional merge is often complicated.


Conflicts Mode

In this mode only conflicts (resources modified bith in the Workbench and in the repository) are shown.


Update All Incoming Changes

This command updates all the incoming changes visible in the view. The command will also update conflicts that are auto-mergable but will skip files whose contents contain conflicts.


Commit All Outgoing Changes

This command commits all the outgoing changes visible in the view. Conflicts are not ncluded in the commit.


Drop Down Menu

The drop down menu allows you to remove the current or all synchronizations, change the mode or layout, configure the current synchronization to perform scheduled refreshes as well as set other veiw preferences.


Context menu

From the context menu of the Synchronize view you can perform a number of interesting operations.


Open in Compare Editor

This command open the selected change in a Compare editor which allows you to inspect the changes within the file.



This command open the local resource for the selected change in the default Workbench editor for the file type.


Open With

This command allows youu to open the local resource for the selected change in the a Workbench editor.



This command refreshed the remote state of the selected resources.


Remove From View

This command removes the selected resources from the view. The resources will only reappear if the state of the removed resources changes or the Workbench is restarted.



This command updates the selected resources. Conflicts can be included in an update but only auto-mergable conflicts will be updated. Non-mergable conflicts will be skipped and should be merged manually using a compare editor.



This command commits the selected resources. Only outgoing changes can be committed.


Override and Update

This command operates on conflicts and outgoing changes and replaces the local contents of those resources with the contents from the server.


Override and Commit

This command operates on conflicts and incoming changes and overwrites the server contents with the contents from their local counterparts.


Mark as Merged

This command adjusts the CVS timstamps of conflicting changes so they become outgoing changes. This command should be performed after conflicts are merged manually using a compare editor.


Clean Timstamps

This command adjusts the timstamps of outgoing changes whose contents already match the contents of the corresponding resource on the server so that the file is no longer an outgoing change. This is useful in situations where build tools regenerate files whose contents have not changed.

Related concepts
Team programming with CVS
Synchronizing with a CVS repository  

Related tasks
Synchronizing with the repository


Resolving conflicts

Merging from a branch


Comparing resources
Merging changes in the compare editor

Related reference
Compare editor