Compiling probes
Before you can use a new or modified probe, compile it.
- In the Package Explorer, right-click the .probe file that you want to compile and select Probekit > Compile from the context menu. The generated files are placed in the same folder as the .probe file.
- If the new files do not appear in your workspace views, select File > Refresh.
The probe compiler generates a Java source code file,, based on the probe specifications. If your workspace is set to auto-build modified resources, Eclipse compiles the generated Java source code into class files named your_pk_probe_probekit<sequence_number>.class. The class files contain the compiled probe fragments, as well as the supporting code that executes when you run your instrumented application.
In addition, the probe compiler generates a file named your_pk_probe.probescript. This file contains instructions for the byte-code instrumentation engine, telling it how to insert the probes into your project's class and jar files.
If your probe contains references to other packages and classes, you might need to change the probe's project settings so that the compile-time references can be resolved. These settings are found in Project > Properties, Java Build Path.
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Creating and using probes
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