Creating and using probes

This section provides step-by-step procedural instructions and examples to help you create and use probes.

Creating and editing probes
Probe source files are xml files that you can create and edit in Eclipse, and save in Java projects.

Compiling probes
Before you can use a new or modified probe, compile it.

Applying probes
Probekit uses a byte-code instrumentation (BCI) engine to apply your probes to class files, jar files, or entire directory trees of a Java project.

Running a project with probes
After you have applied your probes to a project's class files and jar files, you can run the project to collect data.

Modifying probes
If you modify a probe and recompile it, you may need to remove probe instrumentation from your project's class and jar files and then reapply the probe.

Removing probe instrumentation
Remove probe instrumentation from your project's class and jar files when you modify probes, or you no longer want to collect probe data.

Using multiple probes simultaneously
You can run a project with multiple probes at the same time.


Parent topic

Collecting runtime data with user-defined probes