Generating HTML documentation from your WSDL file

HTML documentation contains information about the WSDL file schema. It is similar to Javadoc for Java files - any Documentation information about the WSDL components you provide will be listed in the HTML documentation.

To generate HTML documentation based on a WSDL file:

  1. Open your WSDL file in the WSDL editor.

  2. From the WSDL Editor menu, select Create WSDL Documentation.

  3. Specify the parent folder where you documentation should be created.

  4. Specify the name of the folder you want create. This folder will contain the generated HTML documentation.

  5. Click Finish.

The HTML documentation is created and the main page of (index.html) automatically opens in a Web browser.

The HTML documentation contains the following information:

Note: WSDL documentation creation will not take place if the WSDL file in invalid. To validate the WSDL file, from the WSDLEditor menu, select Validate WSDL document. Errors will be listed in the Problems view.

Related concepts
Editing WSDL files with the WSDL Editor

Related tasks
Creating a new WSDL file
Importing a WSDL file
Editing WSDL files