Configuring WebSphere Application Server v5.x

A server is a definition that identifies where an application will be tested or published and points to a specific run-time environment such as a WebSphere test environment, or a WebSphere server on another machine. The following topics describe how to set up WebSphere Application Server v5.x test environments and servers, for example, setting up ports or data sources.

Enabling hot method replace
If you want to make changes to your Java classes while you are debugging, you can set this preference by editing the server before you start it. The application or server does not need to be restarted for the changes to be recognized.

Setting class loader policy
When editing a WebSphere Application Server v5.x, you can specify the class loader isolation mode that you want to use for the application server.

Adding class paths
You can add class paths and WebSphere-specific class paths to a WebSphere Application Server v5.x test environment or server.

Adding Java VM arguments
You can add Java VM (Virtual Machine) arguments to a WebSphere Application Server v5.x. The Java VM is an interpretive computing engine responsible for executing the byte codes in a compiled Java program. The JVM translates the Java byte codes into the native instructions of the host machine. The server, being a Java process, requires a JVM in order to run, and to support the Java applications running on it.

Adding system properties
You can launch a server using customized system properties ( -D options) by adding these properties to the WebSphere Application Server v5.x.

Adding Java library paths
You can add paths to the Java Library Path for the WebSphere Application Server v5.x. To add a path:

Adding MIME type mappings
You can configure MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type mappings for a WebSphere Application Server v5.x.

Enabling URL rewriting or cookies
When you are testing or publishing a Web project to a WebSphere Application Server v5.x, you can use session management to enable URL rewriting or cookies.

Setting up a server to test data sources
If you want to test data sources on a WebSphere Application Server v5.x, you may need to do one of the following steps:

Adding a host alias
You can configure host aliases in conjunction with ports for a WebSphere Application Server v5.x.

Adding HTTP transports
You can configure HTTP transports for a WebSphere Application Server v5.x. HTTP transports route requests from a Web server to an application servers. When you request an application in a browser, the request is passed to the server, then along the HTTP transport to the Web container.

Adding advanced ports
You can configure advanced port settings for a WebSphere Application Server v5.x.

Adding substitution variables
A substitution variable is a configuration property that can be used to provide a parameter for any value in a WebSphere Application Server v5.x configuration. The variable has a name and a value to be used in place of that name wherever the variable name is located within the configuration files. The scope of a variable can be cell-wide, node-wide, or applicable to only one server process.

Enabling tracing
You can enable or disable trace support for a WebSphere Application Server v5.x test environment or server. You can use trace to obtain detailed information about the execution of run-time components, including application servers, clients, and other processes in the environment. Trace files show the time and sequence of methods called by run-time base classes, and you can use these files to pinpoint the failure.

Enabling security
To enable security for a WebSphere Application Server v5.x test environment or server:

Adding listener ports
Listener ports are used by message-driven beans associated with the port to retrieve messages. They simplify administration of the association between a connection factory, JMS destination, and deployed message-driven bean. When a message arrives at the destination, the listener passes the message to a new instance of a message-driven bean for processing.

Adding resource adapters and connection factories
Resource adapters are sets of related classes that let an application access a resource such as data, or an application on a remote server, often called an Enterprise Information System (EIS). When working with JCA resource adapters, you have to add an instance of the JCA connection factory and configure its properties.

Adding message queues and topics
The Java Message Service (JMS) programming interface provides a common way for Java programs to create, send, receive, and read asynchronous requests as JMS messages. Messages are sent to and received from queues or topics. For example, a Java program sends a message to a queue, the queue processes the request and then returns a message in another queue. Message-driven beans, listening for the response from the second queue, get the message and the cycle is complete. In a summary, JMS allows transactions to take place asynchronously.

Setting class loader policy
You can define class loader policy for a specific application for a WebSphere Application Server v5.x test environment or server.