Web Services Inspection Language (WSIL)

Web Services Inspection Language (WSIL) is a service discovery mechanism that is an alternative to UDDI as well as complementary to UDDI. When you discover Web services with UDDI, you go to a centralized registry. WSIL is an alternative approach to Web service discovery. WSIL allows you to go directly to the service provider and ask for the services it provides.

IBM and Microsoft's proposal for the WSIL specification is designed around an XML-based model for building an aggregation of references to existing Web service descriptions, that are exposed using standard Web server technology.

WSIL provides a distributed service discovery method that supplies references to service descriptions at the service provider's point-of-offering, by specifying how to inspect a Web site for available Web services. The WSIL specification defines the locations on a Web site where you can look for Web service descriptions.

Since WSIL focuses on distributed service discovery, the WSIL specification complements UDDI by facilitating the discovery of services that are available on Web sites that may not be listed yet in a UDDI registry. A separate topic in this documentation discusses the Relationship between UDDI and WSIL.

The WSIL specification does not define a service description language. WSIL documents provide a method for aggregating different types of service descriptions. Within a WSIL document, a single service can have more than one reference to a service description. For example, a single Web service might be referenced twice in a WSIL document: once directly via its WSDL, and again via its businessService entry in a UDDI registry. References to these two service descriptions should be put into a WSIL document. If multiple references are available, it is beneficial to put all of them in the WSIL document so that the application that uses the document can select the type of service description that is compatible with and preferred by that application.

The WSIL specification serves two primary functions:

For more information on the Web Services Inspection Language specification, refer to www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-wsilspec.html

Relationship between UDDI and WSIL
The Web Services Inspection Language (WSIL) and the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specification both address issues related to Web service discovery. However, each specification takes a different approach to the discovery of Web services. The two specifications can be used separately or jointly; searching with WSIL can result in finding items in UDDI.


Parent topic

Web services overview


Related Concepts

Web services overview
Tools for Web services development

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Developing Web services