Tools for Web services development
Rational Developer Tools provide tools to assist with the following aspects of Web services development:
- Discover. Browse the UDDI Business Registries or WSIL documents to locate existing Web services for integration. The Web becomes an extension of Rational Developer products.
- Create or Transform. Create bottom-up Web services from existing artifacts, such as Java beans, enterprise beans, URLs that take and return data, DB2 XML Extender calls, DB2 Stored Procedures, and SQL queries. Create top-down Web services from WSDL discovered from others or created using the WSDL Editor.
- Build. Wrap existing artifacts as SOAP accessible services and describe them in WSDL. The Web services wizards assist you in generating a Java client proxy to Web services described in WSDL and in generating Java bean skeletons from WSDL.
- Deploy. Deploy Web services into the WebSphere Application Server or Tomcat test environments. Secure Web services running on WebSphere Application Server.
- Test. Test Web services running locally or remotely in order to get instant feedback.
- Develop. Generate sample applications to assist you in creating your own Web service client application.
- Publish. Publish Web services to a UDDI v2 or v3 Business Registry, advertising your Web services so that other businesses and clients can access them.
Some of the Web service tools available in Rational Development products and their uses include the following:
- Use the Web Services Client wizard to create the Java client to a deployed Web service and to test the Web service.
- Use the Web Services wizard to create, deploy, test, and publish Web services bottom-up from existing Java beans, enterprise beans, DADX files and URLs, and top-down from WSDL. The Web Services wizard supports the generation of the Java bean proxy and a sample application.
- Publish your Web service to a UDDI Business Registry using the Web Services Explorer.
- The Unit Test UDDI wizard installs, configures, and removes a Private UDDI Registry.
- The Java Beans for XML Schema wizard enables you to generate Java beans from schema.
- The IBM Web Services Explorer assists you in discovering and publishing your Web service descriptions.
- Use the WSDL and DADX validators to check for structural and semantic problems in these types of files.
- WS-I compliance can be validated using several tools, such as the WSDL validator, the Web service and client wizards, and a TCP/IP monitor.
- The deployment settings for a Web service can be modified using the J2EE deployment descriptor editors. Double-click any deployment descriptor to launch the appropriate editor.
Web services tooling supports the following specifications:
Technology or specification Version or level supported Transports HTTP/HTTPS v1.0 and v1.1 JMS Messaging SOAP specification v1.1 SOAP Attachements Description UDDI v2.0 and v3.0 WSDL v1.1 WSIL v1.0 Security WS-Security OASIS Standard 1.0 Ineroperability WS-I Basic Profile 1.1.2 WS-I Simple SOAP Binding Profile 1.0.3 WS-I Attachments Profile 1.0 Other Standards JAX-RPC v1.0 for J2EE 1.3, v1.1 for J2EE 1.4 JSR 109 J2EE 1.3 JSR 921 J2EE 1.4 Web services run-time environments
Three run-time environments are available in which Web services can be run. Each environment supports different servers and standards.
Parent topic
Web services overview
Related Concepts
Web services overview
Web services run-time environments
Related Tasks
Developing Web services