Validating DADX documents
The DADX Validator performs the following checks:
- Ensures that all DAD files that are referenced in the DADX file can be found.
- Validates the DADX group containing the DADX file being validated and ensures that the NST file for the DADX group can be found.
- The installation checker ensures that each dtdid is a valid absolute or relative path or that it can be found in the DB2XML.DTD_REF table in the NST files.
- Each DAD file is validated against its DTD.
- Ensures the dtdid referenced in the <doctype> tag and the <dtdid> tag has been declared in the NST file.
- Ensures the DAD files used in the <DAD_ref> and <collection_name> tags can be found in the file system and the DB2XML.XML_USAGE table (where the enabled collection are stored) respectively.
The DADX validator does not run automatically.
To validate your DADX document in the DADX editor,...
- Double-click your DADX file to open it in the DADX editor.
- Click XML > Validate DADX File.
- A message box opens and indicates if the DADX file was successfully validated. If the file is invalid, any errors will appear in the Problems view.
For more information on generating a DADX file from SQL, refer to the XML tools documentation.
Parent topic
Creating a Web service from a DADX file using the IBM SOAP run-time environment
Related Concepts
Tools for Web services development
Web services development
Web services run-time environments
DADX Web services
Related Tasks
Developing Web services
Using the Web Services ExplorerRelated Reference
Deployment properties
Mapping properties
WSDL documents