Design the layout and structure of your Web site



In order to complete this tutorial, you should be familiar with the following areas:

It will also help you to understand these concepts:

If you do not have current knowledge of these technologies and concepts, you might be interested in learning more about these after you complete this tutorial. You can find some additional information on these topics in the Rational Software Development Platform online help. There are also many resources on the Internet and in retail books.


Learning objectives

This tutorial guides you through designing the structure of a Web site in a series of short exercises. In this tutorial, you will learn the following tasks:

  1. Creating a Web project.
  2. Structuring a Web site.
  3. Creating Web pages for the Web site.
  4. Using page templates to create a common look and feel for the site.
  5. Applying the page template to all of the pages in the site.
  6. Adding dynamic navigation to each page.
  7. Previewing how the Web site will look and work when it is on a Web server.
If, after completing this tutorial, you are interested in exploring more Web tools technologies, you can complete the tutorial Display dynamic information on Web pages with JavaServer Faces.

When you are ready, begin with Exercise 1.1: Creating a Web project.

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