Configuring remote servers for testing portlets
When defining a remote (server attach) server for testing, debugging or profiling a portlet project, create and configure the server.
Follow the instructions below to create and configure a remote server. You may also need to do further configuration on the remote server. Follow the instructions in Preparing WebSphere Portal for remote testing and debugging.
- Open the New server wizard. See Defining servers for testing portals for instructions.
- Provide the host name of the remote WebSphere Portal.
- Select a WebSphere Portal Server Attach server from the server type list.
- Select Next.
- On the Server Ports page,
- Set the JVM debug port , which defaults to 7777.
- Set the HTTP port, which defaults to 9081.
- Optionally, select Enable JavaScript debugging and set the BSF debug port, which defaults to 4444.
- Select Automatically switch to Debug perspective if you want to switch to that perspective when using this server.
- On the WebSphere Portal Settings page, define the following options:
- Define the WebSphere Portal Base URI, which defaults to /wps.
- Define the WebSphere Portal Default page, which defaults to /portal .
- Define the WebSphere Portal Personalized homepage, which defaults to /myportal.
- Leave the WebSphere Portal Install location blank. It is used for portal projects, not portlet projects. This option is only available for WebSphere Portal v50 server attach servers.
- Select Enable WebSphere security if security is enabled on the remote server.
- Provide an administrator ID and password for a WebSphere Portal administrator.
- If Enable automatic login is selected, provide a user ID and password for a WebSphere Portal user.
- Entries on the Publishing Settings page do not need to be set for portlet projects. They are for portal projects. This option is only available for WebSphere Portal v50 server attach servers.
- On the Add and Remove Projects page, highlight a project and select the Add or Remove button to associate or disassociate the project with the server. During publishing all projects associated with the publishing server will be deployed.
- Click Finish. Additional options for remote servers can be viewed and changed by double-clicking on the server in the Servers view. This opens the server configuration editor. You can change any of the settings that were defined previously. In addition, the Portal tab has additional settings for Portal and Portlet Publishing, which are listed below:
- Select Deploy portal projects when running or debugging to automatically deploy when using Run on Server or Debug on Server. This option is only available for WebSphere Portal v50 server attach servers.
- Select Deploy portlet projects when running or debugging to automatically deploy when using Run on Server or Debug on Server.
- Provide a Label title if you want to override the default value, PortletPreview. The label will be created automatically during test or debug if the specified label does not exist. Testing or debugging will set the user permission level to access the label even if the label was already created and the current permission level is not adequate. The original permission level will be restored with the reset portlet preview action.
- Change the Label ordinal if you want to override the default value of 20. The ordinal attribute specifies the sorting order of portal resources. For information on the ordinal attributes, refer to "Special configuration data entries" in the Information Center of WebSphere Portal.
- Select Enable multiple pages when deploying portlet projects to allow different portlet projects to use different pages in the portal during testing. By default, multiple pages are enabled. Each portlet project that is associated with a single server will be deployed to a different page. If you want to deploy them all into a single page on the server, you can disable multiple pages when deploying portlet projects.
Related tasks
Defining servers for testing portlets
Preparing WebSphere Portal for remote testing and debugging
Configuring local servers for testing portlets