Optimizing JSP file testing
These procedures are ideal for testing JSP files on an external WebSphere Portal without having to restart the server.
To view changes to your JSP files without restarting the portal server, you can force the server to automatically check for new versions of JSP files after deployment. While this is ideal for development and testing purposes, you should disable automatic JSP reloading in a production environment because of performance issues.
Follow these steps to enable automatic JSP reloading:
- Open the file websphere_install_root/config/cells/node/applications/wps.ear/deployments/wps/wps.war/WEB-INF/ibm-web-ext.xmi
- Within this file, find the following entry: webappext:WebAppExtension xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:webappext="webappext.xmi" xmlns:webapplication="webapplication.xmi" xmlns:commonext="commonext.xmi" xmlns:common="common.xmi" xmi:id="IBM_WPS_Ext" reloadInterval="3" reloadingEnabled="false" fileServingEnabled="true" directoryBrowsingEnabled="false" serveServletsByClassnameEnabled="false" preCompileJSPs="false"
- Change the value for reloadingEnabled to true. If you leave it set to false, restart the Test Environment every time you make any changes to your JSP files.
- Save the file.
- Restart the portal server.
After completing these steps, your JSP files will automatically reload when they change.
Note: In the WebSphere Portal Test Environment, the ibm-web.ext.xmi file is located in the /PortalContent/WEB-INF folder of a portal project. By default, reloadingEnabled is set to true in the Test Environment. If set to false, you will be unable to run a portal project using the Test Environment.
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