Project Explorer view
The Project Explorer view shows a custom view of a portlet project, consisting of the following top-level objects beneath the project node:
- [Web] Deployment Descriptor
- This file corresponds to the WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml file. You can double-click this to open the file in the deployment descriptor editor.
- Portlet Deployment Descriptor
- This file corresponds to the WebContent/WEB-INF/portlet.xml file. You can double-click this to open the file in the portlet deployment descriptor editor. This node also displays portlets within the project. You can drag these nodes onto the Portal Configuration editor to add portlets to a page.
- JavaSource
- This node displays Java resources within the project.
- WebContent
- This folder contains items to be published to the server.
- /
- The root directory of the portlet file structure.
- theme
- The typical location for cascading style sheets (CSS files) used in the project.
- /images
- Location for any images required by the portlet.
- Location for all protected resources. The /WEB-INF directory stores the portlet deployment descriptor and all of the runtime executable JAR files and classes that the packaged portlet requires.
- /WEB-INF/lib
- Location for storing portlet JAR files.
- /jsp/html
- Location for JSP files. This is a suggested path name. Your JSP files can be packaged in any location outside of the /WEB-INF directory.
- /WEB-INF/classes
- Location for portlet class files. Individual class file should be stored in a directory structure within /WEB-INF/classes that reflects the class package. For example, the class HelloWorld.class, in package, would be stored in /WEB-INF/classes/com/ibm/wps/samples/HelloWorld.class.
- Location for the manifest for the WAR file, The manifest is in the standard JAR file format, as defined by the Java 1.3 specification. The contents of the /META-INF directory are not served to clients.
Related concepts
Creating portlets and portlet projects