Create portlets and portlet projects


A portlet project, like a Web project, is a J2EE Web application. It is similar to a Web project in that a web.xml file is maintained for it. The main difference between a portlet project and a Web project is that the portlet project has an extra deployment descriptor, portlet.xml, in the WEB-INF directory.


Portlet projects

There are two types of portlet projects.

To create a portlet project, you can use the New Portlet Project wizard or New Portlet Project (JSR 168) wizard.


Portlet Type

You can select one of the following portlet types:

Portlet Type WebSphere Portal 5.0.2.x and 5.1
JSR 168 API IBM portlet API
Basic portlet Supported Supported
Faces portlet Supported Supported
Struts portlet Not supported Supported


Related concepts

JavaServer Faces portlet applications
Create Faces portlets and projects
Struts portlet applications
Create Struts portlets and projects


Related tasks

Create portlet projects (JSR 168)
Create Faces portlet projects
Create Struts portlet projects