Laying out a form with tables

Tables are an easy way to lay out Web pages and are especially effective when adding input fields for a form.

  1. To create an HTML table within a form area and use it for layout:

    1. Move the cursor into the form area.

    2. Select Table > Table

    3. Type the number of rows and columns in the table, based on your anticipated form design.

    4. Click OK.

    5. Move the cursor into a table cell, and right-click to select Table > Hide Table Frame from the pop-up menu.

    6. Insert text and images, or add another table to complete the form layout, and then add input fields.

  2. To create a free layout table within a form area and use it for layout:

  3. Move the cursor into the form area.

  4. Click Page > Layout Mode > Free Layout.

  5. Drag and drop a free layout table to your form from the HTML Tags drawer of the palette.

  6. To add text to the table, drag and drop a Text Cell from the palette. Type text inside the cell.

  7. Add form and input fields by dragging and dropping them from the Form Tags drawer of the palette.


Related tasks

Creating and deleting a table in a Web page
Manipulating columns and rows in Web page tables
Editing table properties
Adding forms to Web pages