Editing a WML file

You can edit a Wireless Markup Language (WML) file by using the WML menu or the Properties view. You can set properties for WML files through the Page Properties dialog box.

WML menu

The WML menu allows you to insert actions, events, and elements to a WML file. Select WML from the main menu bar. Your options are as follows:

Properties view

The Properties view allows you to change attributes for individual cards in a WML file. Select the card you wish to edit in Page Designer. You can then specify attributes for different tags in a card.

Page Properties dialog box

The WML tags tab on the Page Properties dialog box (from the Design page, select Page > Page Properties) allows you to specify settings that are common to all cards in a WML file. For instance, you can set an Event binding to an onevent tag to specify that all cards in a WML file will have a back button. You can also use the properties dialog box to specify permissions in the Access Control fields, Domain and Path.

Note: There is no Preview Page available in Page Designer for WML files.


Related concepts

Developing pages for wireless devices
Wireless computing support


Related tasks

Inserting WBMP image files
Adjusting screen size for a WML file
Creating a WML/cHTML file