Developing pages for wireless devices
You can create and edit Wireless Markup Language (WML) and Compact Hypertext Markup Language (cHTML) files. WML and cHTML are markup languages that are commonly used by mobile devices and Portable Digital Assistants (PDAs).
WML has been developed and maintained by WAP Forum; cHTML is a subset of HTML 4.0. Page Designer supports WML 1.3 and HTML 4.0. Typically, WML files have the file extension .wml and cHTML files have the file name extension .html.
A WML file consists of cards, which are similar to Web pages in HTML. A card represents one interaction with the user, and many cards together create the WML site accessible from mobile devices. You can specify common settings for all cards or you can edit individual cards and attributes. You can create and edit cHTML files as you would any HTML file; however, not all functions are supported for cHTML. By default, unsupported functions for cHTML are disabled in Page Designer so that you can create a cHTML-compliant file.
Tip: Attributes that are unsupported in mobile languages, such as cHTML or WML, can be inserted from the Insert dialog or from the Properties view. To check the validity of cHTML code, click Tools > Validate HTML Syntax. To check the validity of a WML document, click Tools > Validate WML Syntax.
Related concepts
Wireless computing support
Related tasks
Editing a WML file
Inserting WBMP image files
Adjusting screen size for a WML file
Creating a WML/cHTML file